
Jamie and Brienne are meant to be the next True Detective duo. It is known.

Aunt Gemma is the only one who can really deliver that cutting line about Tywin's blind spot, while also revealing Tywin's human side. I do hope she stays in.

Come at you? No, no, no dear friend. For liking Sansa's arc better than Arya's, please let us recommend you to a therapist, because clearly, something is wrong with you.

You've never had scotch-infused fudge, have you?

And no one else thinks / has mentioned yet how "When I Was Your Man" is just a Billy Joel lift?

Appropriately, that is "Stupidfacedd" by Wallpaper as the outro music to the trailer.

I'm fully of the opinion that Kate Mulgrew's character on Orange is the New Black would have been a better Starfleet Captain than Janeway.

@avclub-0bac5746aa760492dbce3d5dfd26ab9c:disqus I can't help but read your name a "Filthy Cardassian Waitress" every time I see it. Please don't take it the wrong way… I'm not saying the two adjectives are mutually exclusive though.

It always struck me as a little odd in TNG that the CO of a Starfleet Flagship was only a Captain. Regardless, being Captain of a Flagship gave Picard more juice than his peers, I think.

Synthale Sufficiency, it kind of gets the job done, but is ultimately unsatisfying.

@avclub-bca3531762af8a993c4f60c48fd5e33b:disqus Undiscovered Country and the banter between Spock and Bones would beg to differ.

I think there was some offhand comment about Klingons physically maturing quickly in a past Trek. Not Jem'Hadar quick, but it's not unreasonable for him to be that size.

Your insight kind of gives a new innuendo-spin on "Deep Space" 9.

Young Mr. Crusher's problem was that from the start, he was (or was perceived as) a wish-fulfillment character. In contrast, at the start of DS9, no one would wish to have a dead mother and have no friends on a backwater outpost.

The Federation believes in a modest and utilitarian aesthetic for their Starbases. That, and the frugality in construction is necessitated by the ongoing Sequester perpetuated by the financially stubborn wing of the United Federation of Planets.

"a choice so dumb I kind of respect it"

Would Serenity have been green-lit by any studio if it didn't have some core of standard issue sci-fi flick plot? In any case, at that point, the audience cared about the characters, and seeing them in a grander situation doesn't betray all of what came before.

"that horrible sound the modem made. (Is anybody even going to remember that in 10 years?)"

This one is the most accurate yet.