
They didn't think, thus, the action leading to rescinded offers. This is how they learn those consequences.

Yeah, Hero wasn't "oddly" pro-empire, it was intentionally pro-unity / order-over-chaos; which just so happens to be the kind of message Beijing likes. It was also a Zhang Yimou movie, who started as a cinematographer (and also the director who did the Beijing 2008 Olympics ceremonies), thus the gorgeous visuals.

IMDb says he was only in 5 episodes. But he was so much more memorable than that, to our collective dismay.

Hell, Bull was even *smart* in the early seasons, with his menacing presence beguiling his intelligence. Then they end the damn show with him, a simpleton, going off with aliens.

Watching Return of the Jedi in the theater in Hong Kong with my cousin, when we were visiting in summer of '83, which means I was probably about 4. I don't have much memory of it, but the speeder bike scene stayed with me.

I have an mp3 lying around saved somewhere with Grohl on Howard Stern doing Everlong acoustic live on radio, for what sounds like the first time he did so. At the suggestion of Baba Booey, of course.

With something with as many expectations and hopes as Samurai Jack, this was a simple and straightforward way to stick the landing. Not brilliant, but satisfying, and consistent in tone.

I get that humor is a coping mechanism, and that these predictably send the Orange Egomaniac into tantrums… but there is nothing fucking funny about any of this. We're only 3 weeks into 4 years of constant internal assaults on a functioning democracy. These laughs are hollow.

As far as I was concerned, she was best known for amusingly awkward interviews on Conan. Is that better?

Remember, Vin Diesel's other franchise character, Riddick, is a "Furion". Being "furious" is his motivation as an actor.

Also, the undertone of "the last survivors of a fallen civilization who will be either dissected or paraded as freaks if exposed" is not the standard uplifting Disney background.

Randomness: I helped Chris Hall move in with his GF at the time in San Diego … sometime in the summer of 2000, I think?

I happened to have closed captioning on and noticed that, within the screaming sounds of "The Bad Place" a woman was yelling, "Oh my God! The bear has two mouths!"

And yet again, I am saddened by the fact that Craig Ferguson no longer has a late night show, particularly given his friendship with Kristen Bell, to discuss the Kierkegaardian implications of Heaven as Ikea.

The OP's questions were boring and easily addressed within the context of this fictional universe after a modicum of thought. The issues I have with the "sufficiently advanced magictech" is that it completely ignores any plausible understanding of physics either in this universe or the fictional one as presented to

Those are your questions? Really? With the gigantic physics-defying "How the hell do you (1) core a planet and turn it into a weapon, (2) drain the star which the weapon-planet orbits, apparently multiple times if not a single-shot weapon, (3) without having that planet spin out of its own system and/or freeze due to

An underlying theme of the liberal-bent show is that conservatives are
generally the "loyal opposition" and seeking to advance the country
toward different but principled goals, not complete demagogues and

1 2 3, 4, 5, 6 7 8, 9 10, 11, 12.

Actually, Harvey up there kinda looks like the illegitimate lovechild of Statler and Waldorf.

And let's be honest, the original Ironhide/Ratchet model of toy needed replacing.