
Is this a one-on-one combat league or political/military might league? I'll take a risk and pick K'mpec.

If nobody has any objections, I believe I might be of service.

If nobody has any objections, I believe I might be of service.

I appreciate what GRRM was doing in AFFC, making sure the visceral chaos of war and tragedy was the focus; it just wasn't a pleasant reading experience. In ADWD, I think the growth of the (arguably) primary characters, Dany and Jon, as leaders with their successes and failures, was important and necessary. Most

@avclub-fe0181fa11124a8385473ce0f639460a:disqus STANNIS?! Stannis is your favorite character? Really? I know no one else who considers Stannis their favorite. Intriguing, flawed, and complex, sure, but not favorite.


I always found Azimov's short stories were much more engaging (The Billiard Ball, The Martian Way) than his long-form prose, and that the Robot Novels were better than The Foundation Trilogy. I burnt myself out on Azimov as a teenager, but may be able to pick those up again for a re-read now.

I always found Azimov's short stories were much more engaging (The Billiard Ball, The Martian Way) than his long-form prose, and that the Robot Novels were better than The Foundation Trilogy. I burnt myself out on Azimov as a teenager, but may be able to pick those up again for a re-read now.

I also loved the callback to the pilot where Kira bluffed against the Cardassians, saying that DS had been armed by the Federation, and then had O'Brien fire their only three torpedoes as a "warning" shot. Four years in, the station is now properly armed, and it is no bluff. 

I also loved the callback to the pilot where Kira bluffed against the Cardassians, saying that DS had been armed by the Federation, and then had O'Brien fire their only three torpedoes as a "warning" shot. Four years in, the station is now properly armed, and it is no bluff. 

With the rate the Gobi is encroaching on Beijing, China still might "beat" the Dust Bowl.

With the rate the Gobi is encroaching on Beijing, China still might "beat" the Dust Bowl.

Boots kept on mentioning his sister, and I kept on hoping she had died of old age since she hadn't been interviewed… nope, dirt pneumonia.

Boots kept on mentioning his sister, and I kept on hoping she had died of old age since she hadn't been interviewed… nope, dirt pneumonia.

She called me late last night / to say she loved me so / Didn't matter anymore.

She called me late last night / to say she loved me so / Didn't matter anymore.

Sweet Red Vine of Wolf 359!

Sweet Red Vine of Wolf 359!

Maybe the Internet has matched the objective absurdity, but Sifl & Olly was a pioneering experiment, and the Internet can't replicate the same "it's 3 am on MTV and WTF is going on here" shared experience that you needed to ask others about just to be sure you weren't hallucinating the night before.

Maybe the Internet has matched the objective absurdity, but Sifl & Olly was a pioneering experiment, and the Internet can't replicate the same "it's 3 am on MTV and WTF is going on here" shared experience that you needed to ask others about just to be sure you weren't hallucinating the night before.