
@persia2:disqus I'm not sure if Metalbending is quite as easy as Earthbending. It might be something that requires a natural threshold of talent and rigorous training. Akin to Lightningbending as a subset of Firebending and possibly Bloodbending as a subset of Waterbending. Metalbending might be easier to achieve than

I've never cared for Brienne's POV chapters. I think this is for two reasons: 1) she sees so much of the chaos, her story pacing becomes interminable and 2) her sense of duty and honor is like that of a more-painfully-naive Ned Stark, and we all know how well that turned out, so I don't have sympathy for that naivete.

What's the over/under on when Katara comes to visit Korra and, because of the rising crisis, teaches Korra (YEARS-AFTER-THE-FACT-SPOILER) Bloodbending? 14 episodes? It is a legacy of the Southern Water Tribe, and the Avatar should know about and how to deal with all variations of bending.

What, no MaiTy? That has to rate at least a Secret Cuddles in a Cold Dark Cell.


I recall reading somewhere that Martin has told Benioff and Weiss his broad outline for concluding the series, in case he doesn't finish it. So maybe he does have a plan, but will it come to fruition? I resigned myself to the likelihood that Martin is old and overweight and slow, so this probably isn't going to be


I might suggest that Problem 3 is actually the Bureaucracy of the City-State, of which Organized Crime is a symptom.

Watching this on Netflix … this is hilarious in a so-bad-it's-good kind of way. 
Avery Brooks is just a little legitimately insane, ain't he now?

Never mind, got beat to it.

1) Such a welcome surprise to see this review up so soon.
2) I'm surprised, so deep into the comments thread, Morn has been able to keep his damn trap shut this long.

Oh, Bearded Master, I had no idea you were around these parts. [takes drink] You ever get the perverse whim to have a Muppet as an alien in those episodes of TNG you directed?

Techno-babble answer to resolve the production error as well:

Well played, sir. Well played.

Actually, the special effects for the remake could be far, far better if they actually have the Mobile Infantry Suits as described in the book. In fact, starting off the movie with a voiceover by Rico in his pod, then shooting troopers from the dropship, down through a planet's atmosphere into a hot zone… that's a

What other options did Picard have? The Romulans were waiting out there for the Enterprise. If they were to simply leave the scene, the Romulans would have investigated further, and certainly they had already noticed that the Enterprise had vanished, since they were able to communicate through the rock.  The other

Therefore, I urge you sisters, in view of Frakes’ girth, to offer your bodies as lubricated sacrifices, each hole pleasing to Jon—this will be your mutual worship. Do not conform any longer to the pattern of the shy, but be transformed by the repeating of your orgasms. Then you will be able to test and approve what

Sirtis said nothing about Frakes being a pedo. I take her comment to mean that our boy Frakes had some long conversations with Miss Dunst about how one should prepare herself to be a woman, and where to find him with her six of her friends once she turned 18.

Cute effort and nice for a one-time stunt, but Beltran's not worthy of the running gag.

More likely, I think, is that the talent in the writers' room was split between two shows, and both shows suffered some for it, until the new writers got up to speed.