
I'll admit it too.
Mumm-Ra scared the hell out of me as a child.

You know, you make a half-thought-out comment and then log out for the day, and you come back to find a full-on reasonable, albeit slightly heated, discussion ensued. Crazy.

Brienne: all of the honor of Ned Stark, and twice the naivety, but with a questionable fraction of the ability.

Green Bird is the one song (aside from Tank! & Rain) that sticks with me more than any other from the show. As Spike falls ever so slowly from the window, you know that the scene isn't going to end until the song does, and the haunting and gentle pace of Green Bird juxtaposed with the tension and imminent explosion /

That's also the kind of dress where it would be inappropriate or unnecessary to wear a bra. The structure of the dress should keep everything in pendulous place.

I don't know if a 14-year old with raging hormones would make for a the emotionally controlled starship Captain who is JLP.

I couldn't be bothered to watch "Fistful" during the original run, and won't now, either. "Rascals" … problematic but tolerable on some level. It doesn't compel me to watch it as a rerun ever.

"Reportedly, Martin's given the writers his notes on how it all plays out"

@Cathartic Bullets

Even if Syrio were to have survived… what would be the point of it? The character served his purpose - he taught Arya how to fight and how to survive. He had no further loyalty to the Starks beyond employment, so it's not likely he'll be coming back to right any wrongs.

I try to forget this movie so hard. Even going into it with the assumption that all of the odd-numbered Trek movies are bad, this whole thing was just so … inane. Ugh.

Either Melancholy or Saccharine
Two songs get stuck in my head with regularity:
1) I Will Follow You Into the Dark - Death Cab For Cutie
2) If You Should Try To Kiss Her - Dressy Bessy

Brian Williams' visits with Jon Stewart reflects his general ability to connect with younger viewers, while still being *professional*; this is why I think he has the lead among broadcast news. At some point, we can't just read the Internet and aggregation all day, and having someone tell us the news in a

So did they replace the strong masculine Smurf stereotype with the Scottish one? Was a tattoo on a Smurf too risque for the kids?

George RR Martin
Two years after the article about famously lost products, and "A Dance With Dragons" still hasn't been published. I've resigned myself to the likelihood that Martin is going to die before finishing the series.

Is there a suicide watch and/or insane-killing-spree watch being set up for Mr. VanDerWerff?

Literary Reference
Nice reference to Azimov's "Foundation" series there. And nice non-reference to Hasimir Fenring, although I'm surprised no one else brought him up given all the comments about "Dune".

Since when do parents act logically, grasping for some modicum of control over their kids lives for their own good?

Biggest unaddressed issue
Why the hell is a Klingon, even a Klingon scientist, and not of the Duras fmaily, collaborating with the Romulans?

I thought the past 6 years were a movie… Conan the Conqueror
You know, at the end of Conan the Destroyer, where Akiro the Wizard is narrating the voice over about how Conan would eventually have his own kingdom, but that was a story for another time? Wasn't California that story.