
Classic Poe

Oh my GOD, THANK YOU FOR WRITING ABOUT ZOOROPA. Sorry, I'm about to head to work and can't really form a coherent thought other than I LOVE this album - especially "Dirty Day". As Bono paraphrased the late, great Bukowski: "These days, days, days run away like wild horses over the hills."

That's not Lena Dunham?

Damn it, didn't see this.

O.J. Simpson would disagree. 

Work it. Own it. That's right, baby. You've always known it. You're catwalkin', baby.

Possibly. "Assholishness" would be the male version, I guess.

Is "adorkable" now a synonym for "twattery"?

We need Judge Grady from Just or Unjust.
"You know who's made the most money throughout history? The man. Who have been great leaders? Men. Maybe you had Cleopatra, but Egyptians live in triangles! Tetrahedrons and shit, a triangle IS NOT MANLY. Who fought the best wars? Men.
Who make the best murderers? Men. Who

At least he's had a pretty memorable past few years. In 2011, he directed The Descendants. And then in 2012, he was hired as a private security contractor in Brazil and killed a lot of gang members and paramilitaries.

Who gives a shit about James Dean? Kids these days love James Deen.

That sounds like some Dane Cook shit right there.

Four score and seven years ago, they both liked Linkin Park. Now, not so much.

As was said of the Bad Seeds' newest album, Push the Sky Away:

Also, while I'm at it: Has anyone ever noticed that none of the X-Men refer to themselves as an "X-Man"? Clearly, they are not very secure about their masculinity.

I knew there was a connection between Jesse's "bitch" catchphrase and The Juggernaut.

Xavier McAfee? Are you fucking kidding me?

Comin' again to save the motherfuckin' day, yeah.

The name William Daniels cannot compete with Rider Strong.

What the fuck are you talking about?