
This review was well-written, but AV Club is beginning to feel like Pitchfork for film/TV — if something isn't obscure or weird enough, it's almost automatically going to be dismissed. Every film in this trilogy includes at least some thoughtful observations about mortality and culture, fantastic impersonations, and a

You guys aren't just hipsters - you're hip stars!

Look, I know this article is now over two years old, but I cannot express how much this song means to me. I'm no Buddhist, but I do believe we're interconnected as a species, and that we not only have the opportunity to help one other (an idea expressed beautifully in U2's "One"), but that we have the responsibility

Seriously, where the fuck do you come up with the ideas for these pieces? This is almost as random as me rubbing my balls against a plastic dinosaur while eating blue cheese and lifting a dumbbell with my left foot, while simultaneously having my dog lick peanut butter off my shaved nipples.

I'm sorry you have to respond to a person's opinion with your own.

I'm no doctor, but I think it might improve their coherency, as they come off as nonsensical morons.

It's partially due to jealousy, but also the sense of a wasted opportunity. These people had the opportunity of a lifetime in interviewing the world's greatest rock band. I'm not saying it should be a completely serious interview totally lacking in humor, but the humor here is fucking mind-blowingly dumb and the

Probably around the time I joined Teach for America and started donating monthly to Doctors without Borders. Because clearly thinking someone sucks at hosting a podcast is equivalent to being a terrible human being.

Trust me, this guy (does not) fuck.

Maybe six years ago. Started with War. Great anti-conflict album.

Listening right now. Five minutes in. Still have the urge to take the back of my hand and forcefully press it against their heads in a particularly fast motion.

I am a huge U2 fan. This is like the third time I've tried to listen to this podcast. These guys are so fucking annoying, I want to slap them both. I never even make it to the parts where they actually talk about U2 because they spend so much time making unfunny jokes with their annoying voices.

This show should be called "Trying Too Hard". It's not funny. The jokes aren't even original (a thinly veiled satire about Hollywood? Holy cow, how creative!). And honestly - though this usually isn't a problem for me with animated shows that feature anthropomorphic animals - but the human/animal relationship here is

Two examples come to mind.

If anyone here has read the books - has the series totally caught up at this point? (Please don't mention any spoilers.) Or are there any major plot lines/character deaths/etc. that the show has yet to cover, or has not covered in an alternate way?

I've never not laughed at a fart joke.

The only thing that could've made Sam's "Oh my" any better was if it was immediately preceded by: "Djambi, the chocolate icing!"

Maybe the BBC could hire Jack Thompson to defend them in court, then make a movie out of the new trial?

Look, I'll be the first to admit my familiarity with these movies is weak. But if you don't think the entirety of America wasn't threatened during WWII … That's inaccurate.

“When you do things right, people won’t be sure you’ve done anything at all.”