
Yes, but how can you verify the story? The email is probably just an elaborate prank.

You say "Fuck that" - yo homes, fuck this!

Yeah, "Acrobat" has never been played live, unfortunately.

When U2 started performing my favorite song - "Ultra Violet (Light My Way)" - during the encore of their 360 tour, I went ballistic. It hadn't been played in concert since their Zoo TV tour in '92-'93. Say what you will about U2/Bono, but Achtung Baby is an amazing album, and "Ultra Violet" sees the band at the height

You mean German? Wouldn't Jews with scat fetishes find more entertaining material in Schindler's List?

I blame Laura Dern getting swamped in dino doo-doo for my scat fetish.

Slow news day, huh?

I can only imagine how Chinese audiences will react when they see Jamie Foxx's penis.

I was always curious whether those who comment on this site also frequent IGN - both publications appeal to those interested in media, although the latter focuses primarily on games. However, it seems like most people who comment on IGN's articles/message boards suffer from some form of retardation.

On the new season of Mad Men: For the first ten minutes, everybody is looking fancy at a party. "Oh man!" Don Draper shouts. "Look at all these people! Having a party for ME! I'm so lucky!" Then a massive diarrhea outbreak occurs. Everyone starts shitting their pants IMMEDIATELY. Pete Campbell actually starts shitting

"People in Hollywood love themselves. They think that making movies isn't
just fun and lucrative, it's noble and important. Sometimes it is, but
often it's crass commercial crap."

I was mostly thinking of that plane chase, which really pissed me off. But the Canadians also played a much bigger role in the hostages' escape, something that was briefly alluded to only in the closing statements.

I couldn't watch Argo with a straight face. First off, it was such a historically inaccurate, self-aggrandizing piece of Hollywood bullshit. Secondly, I kept thinking of the time Cartman's hand gave Affleck a blowjob.

(Spoilers) After Adebisi died, the plotlines became pretty fucking stupid, but still highly entertaining due to such strong characters.

Put Frankenstein on DVD please

Watching Girls is like reading a young woman’s thinly
veiled, autobiographical “short story” from a college level creative writing
class. It’s transparent, it’s self-indulgent, and its characters are
infuriatingly naïve. But it also sort of gives you a glimpse into a young
woman’s life, which could potentially be

Insane - you should be put inside! You're a sewer rat decaying in a cesspool of pride!

Who stomped him?!

His chain hangs low.

I Fellate Chester [A. Arthur]