
PCP is one hell of a drug. Bad enough on humans - but see what it does to succubi?

I don't know, I found that Adele performance underwhelming. Still think it's a fantastic song, though.

Since when did "odd" mean "wonderful"?

You'd think they'd edit them down to one.

"Good news from West London this evening. The fire-breathing dragon that terrorized our city has been killed. The deadly beast was vanquished by pop star Sting who - and I'm putting this as delicately as I can - jizzed all over it. Until it died."

You ever see that Knights of the Realm SNL sketch? You destroy an angel the same way you kill a dragon: by having Sting jizz all over it.

Seriously, I LOVE Nine Inch Nails - but I'm not really impressed/interested in How To Destroy Angels. Mariqueen Maandig (which sounds like a porn star name) has a really boring voice.

Imagine the explosions Michael Bay has in his bedroom when he's doing the nasty.

I literally just looked around my living room and thought: "What random, commonplace office supply would best serve as a metaphor for La Beef?"

Am I the only one who cannot comprehend this faux Frenchman's success? He's not funny; he's not a particularly good actor; and he's got about as much sex appeal as a Mead stapler.

Jubilee Street may be the best song Nick Cave has produced since As I Sat Sadly by Her Side.

I thought it was established Ray is Jewish? I was confused by that Greek Orthodox comment.

Danny Boyle's Frankenstein is the best play I've ever seen. I watched it again in cinemas last June through National Theatre Live. Unfortunately, recurring AV Club joke Benedict Cumberbatch and Angelina Jolie-porker Johnny Lee Miller - who star as the Creature and Frankenstein in alternating roles - signed some sort

I guess this would be as good a place as any to say that I just got a
really great job this past week, and will soon move out of my parents' house and into Brooklyn. I've enjoyed a lot of much-needed laughs on these AV
Club boards and will likely be on here less often. Thanks and best of luck!

They've used it. They just don't want you to know how they've used it.

Just watched this show after seeing the earlier AV Club article this week recommending it. It's great - very sweet, but with a mean streak of humor! Looking forward to catching up with this series.


Yes, but what about his penis?

In Mother Russia, YOU are a semi-lawless wasteland full of alcoholics.

In other news: I am having birthday cake tonight. It's hard to overstate my satisfaction.