
LOVED Everworld.
It didn't have the chance to get as redundant as Animorphs because there's only like, 13 or so books and the concept of each of the characters slowly coming to accept their lives in Everworld over their lives in the real world for various reasons was really great stuff.
Also it had sex, swearing, and

Game over man, game over.

Dilbert or gtfo

Comparing energy drinks to "cat pee" that "combines cactus juice with enough caffeine to shut down your organs."
Indeed a very fresh and witty take on a widely consumed product. This is can't miss insightful TV right here.

Gir…can you please stop singing…

That scene with Vic and the hooker was so morally complex (like the show itself). He's at the end of his rope with the whole situation and his decision to use his power over her to get results is the only thing that works. It straddles that line between horrifying and effective…like almost every decision he makes in

@avclub-f6f154417c4665861583f9b9c4afafa2:disqus For sure. This is where the real meat and potatoes start brewing, and the show is for the most part done maturing. In that regard it does its job just fine. But I basically binge watched the whole series and after the first two seasons took a little adjusting to. But by


No love for Soldier of Misfortune?

He certainly does have quite the laundry list of horrifying crimes.

They forgot Speed 2.

I'm going to see it anyway-despite the bad reviews.

Right here with you. It's been three days and I just can't shake the weights off of my heart.

I just did that a few days ago (for the first time). It's still eating at my consciousness, I have no idea where to go from here or what to watch next. Everything just feels so…hopeless…

This wouldn't have happened in Beverly Hills!

I'm right at the same point and hearing all these rumors of epicness to follow are driving me crazy, but not so crazy that I can't savor each episode on it's own gritty, unapologetic level. I started watching this right around the time they started doing these TV Club Classic articles and there was no way I was going

Nice, that was driving me nuts too.

Amen. Was going to post the same thing.

Ahh what the hell, ya guys talked me into it. I'll have to look for it while I'm out about now.

Only when you hit that wall of desensitization.