
Bummer…I know I'm late to the ball game but I just played the first KOTOR and even in 2013 I loved it-it felt more like a true Star Wars story than anything else I've encountered (including and especially the prequels) and I was thinking of trying out the second one too. But the seed of doubt is now planted.

You're not alone. I found her insufferable with the way she treated Dale in season 2, but liked her in season 3.

@avclub-0beb34df7e9615cd43b9090989ca4848:disqus entirely possibly given the shows newfound love affair with outro songs

Right. I wonder what they gave Jimmy Page in exchange for his soul.


You wagered Texas with a dollar sign next to it

I hadn't seen that Situation bit on the Trump roast until reading about it here.

You're not alone. I can't decide if I should do that or The Shield first.

Does anyone even care about our storyline?

The nice thing about Cujo vs Christine/Tommyknockers for me is that it reads fast. It's a short burst of entertainment while the other two are way bloated and stuffed with filler. The Tommyknockers in particular, while it's great moments were great, took me fucking ages to finish.

There was that one direct to video horror movie where he was investigating a demon rampantly killing people in a museum. That was pretty bad. And apparently pretty forgettable.

My breasts are telling that this one knows something.

Wacky Deli yeah…Wacky Deli YEAH!

Guidance from King? I'm…not so sure

Also Tremors 3. Except it was a grabboid instead of a zombie or gremlin.

Everybody's working for the weekend!

Because they do what they're told. That's not true! Yes it is, Derek. Ok.


Start with The Wall by Pink Floyd.
