Dingus Khan

Plus, this way a bunch of locals in the Missouri Ozarks get to play 6 Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

You are better than this, Shore Patrol.

I agree. It was both balls-to-the-wall, and yet tastefully restrained. Pretty much all of it could be shown on network TV without too much cutting. Except for the mutilated girl. Oh, and Scott… those were flaming water buffalo. Not boars. Get your farm animals-of-war straight.

That brought me no end of joy, Fixda. And PAB, that's probably a better use of the Daleks than any point in the reboot.

If you go into this expecting it to be as awesome as the first movie, then you will be bitter. Just go in and enjoy it. It is fun.

I'm throwing my lot in with those who liked it and give it a solid B. Sure, it's not quite as good as the original. But what do you expect? As far as kids' movies go, this one is pretty good. I enjoyed it far more than those dreadful Shrek things. Totally take your kid to see it, jzimbert. He/she will have fun,

Seriously, Truth Guy, trolling on an obituary page as an unregistered, and on Phil Hartman specifically? That was both a dick AND a pussy move. Are you, like, 12 and posting this from X-Box live? I hope one day when you're old enough to have a wife, the crazy bitch shoots you.

Those boobies are high maintenance.

He was also awesome in this:

Actually, Mr. Actually, the Normans were a group of Norse viking conquerors of that part of France. Normandie… Land of the Northmen.

Somebody has to smoke the meth.

"The Wanting Seed" is an interesting take on Malthus and Dystopia. I think the Greyboys are the recurring nightmare of the American Right.

Sorry, Temporal Cold War. Time Wars have Daleks. Damn. I should have stayed in bed.

So all along it was Cardassians from the future? And hear I thought the real threat to our way of life were the Kardashians. God damned mutha fuggin Time Wars.

"Patrick Stewart." Damn, I am on fire today.

I want to hear the audio book voiced by Morgan Freeman. Barring that, I'll take Avery Brooks or Patrick Steward.

"Is Dyan Cannon." Damn.

Her mom was Dyan Cannon, Lobsters. It's not fair. She couldn't help being a babe.

Actually, John Edwards is just a sad shell of a man, a pathetic old barfly hanging out in Chapel Hill and trying to pick up coeds. That's what I hear from my friends in Chapel Hill. I wouldn't know, I only drink in Durham.