Dingus Khan

"One of These Days" off of Meddle. Damn.

The Wall is overblown, but the extended version of "Empty Spaces" for the theatrical soundtrack is amazing and borders on prescient. Also, "One of These Days" was a kick-ass song to drive to without headlights through the Nevada Outback on a full-moon night. Circa 1992.

Maybe Terrence Howard AND Don Cheadle. They could play the same character, just switch them inexplicably halfway through the movie.

Cut off and carried in one's pocket on a chain?

Mos Def. Then he can ruin this, just like he did Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy.

Natalie Portman as hot astrophysicist is plausible. I worked for 7 years in environmental communications at a major research arm of the US EPA after saying fuggit to a postgrad English career. Every year I eagerly anticipated the arrival of the new wave of co-ed Postdoc eye-candy in the cafeteria. Trust me, way

@ Judas Booth - Yes, astrophysicists do indeed have an explanation for Kat Denning's disappearing/reappearing boobs. It is a paradox known as Schrodinger's Kat.

That's not fair to the sharks. Infesting their waters with people who liked Something Borrowed, I mean.

Are you insinuating that Pope Blowers can't manage money, sequence? Cause England ain't looking too hot, and Iceland just got away with telling everyone to f*ck off.

In my experience, the most devoted disciples to that drugged-out Russian whore and her rambling adolescent nonsense philosophy are some of the whiniest little bitches the universe spewed forth. Maybe he can storm off and build himself an undersea Randian utopia where the free hand can reign unfettered by us

Who cares if Robert Patrick is pretty much the only good thing about T2? T2 is still amazing.

Kung Pao!

If all 60 year olds were Nancy Allen, then I would want to boff sixty-year-olds.

I killed Chris Farley by telling my then girlfriend that he was going to pull a Belushi. Next day, he did.

Eric Roberts played the Master. What more would you ever need?

And don't even get me started on J-Date.

@Way Late - OK, I'll give you that. I have been out of the game so long, I forgot about such things. Shudder. The Game. FYI, match.com should be called notasadvertised.com, or lastchancetobreed.com for women in their 30s. I see they bought OK Cupid, which is weird considering how that site started. All I ever

Past, present, future, the average bear in China is still going to be building railroads for slave wages.