I was gonna say the same, but I honestly didn't know Sonequa's real name until your post. I just know her as "Sasha who will be on Star Trek."
I was gonna say the same, but I honestly didn't know Sonequa's real name until your post. I just know her as "Sasha who will be on Star Trek."
I found that odd, but I just figured that it was compressed for narrative purposes. The other option to explain the seeming rapidity was perhaps a firefighting mechanism? But I would think if that were the case, it would be immediately obvious to anyone in the CIC.
But but but my cousins DID make millions working for home just two hours a week! How is that not relevant to a discussion of the Expanse?!?
I agree on this. I read the entire series after Expanse season one over the course of a few months, and I haven't regretted it one bit. Yes, I have a decent idea of what is coming next, but it also allows me to pick up on the little things - and its a damn good story, no matter how many times I read/watch it.
Thanks, that makes more sense.
That's a very good point. Those missiles would be designed to go up against Martian countermeasures, not those of Earth.
I seem to remember reading or hearing somewhere that there were millions, although I also seem to remember a figure of 1.5 million. I don't have any sources, obviously, so I hope someone who knows better will respond and correct me.
So weird! I wonder if Disqus does that automatically, or if someone has to flag the post?
So I had a long post making a similar point that was apparently "detected as spam." So WTF on that, but you make excellent points.
Somehow I've managed to create an AV Club account (elextrano8) and a Disqus account (ElExtrano). The AV Club account allows me to rate the episode and comment. The Disqus account just annoys me because every once in a while it will randomly switch over from the AV Club.
You lay out a good argument, and I think he did have valid concerns. However, I think that it was pretty clear that those concerns didn't amount to anything compared to regulations/law. Once it was reported, he was legally obligated to take action. I think his two choices were to 1) Ignore it and pretend to have never…
On the topic of fanfic, I'm now picturing a Doctor Who/Expanse crossover with Capaldi chilling with Jane, and I feel like I need to see that.
Nope, I have not. But thanks for pointing this out - I'm going to have to try and find it now!
I forget what exactly I was responding to, but earlier in the episode I tweeted about how hardcore Drummer was and how well Cara Gee has played her. And then I felt dumb after she shot those dudes since she upped the badassness like tenfold in a second.
I agree with Zach. It was purely revenge, not out of any practical consideration. If you check out the map at http://www.syfy.com/theexpa…, it definitely appears that they were moving refugees to the closest possible destination and not on an extended trip.
One thing I really appreciated was the scene of Amos doing the space walk to mess with the command center atmosphere. First, I felt the pacing was phenomenal. I was expecting an extended scene, with various "oh no, is he going to make it? are the bad guys going to figure it out first?" like innumerable other shows…
My theory is that you aren't supposed to like Holden particularly. I've said it before, but I feel like Holden is an annoying do-gooder for whom you're supposed to have a grudging respect, but not really like, at least initially.
Forgive me if I'm missing something big, but Fred never had the protomolecule, right? I thought all he had was the doctor, who might be able to point him in the right direction.
I loved that. This is the first time I've watched a television series AFTER being obsessed with the source material, and it's really enjoyable noticing these little tidbits. I know I wouldn't have thought twice about it if I hadn't read the books.