According to this random-ass poll I found, your teacher was among a small percentage of people:…
According to this random-ass poll I found, your teacher was among a small percentage of people:…
Yup. Frankly, I don't think there needs to be a deeper motivation.
I think the goal was evacuating everyone to the closest facility which could handle a temporary influx, Tycho. I don't really see it making sense to worry about shipping people to separate destinations when the key is to evacuate people as quickly as possible.
One little odd thing about that was when Prax's associate (I forget her name) is floating in zero G, before the external doors opened, and she was smiling as if she had never experienced zero G before. Which is, I guess, a possibility. But she came from Mars, implying at least one extended trip through space.
Seriously. She's so freaking good. I think one of the unsung heroes of this series is the casting director. From the annoying do-gooder Holden to badass Bobbie to hardcore Drummer, nearly every character seems perfectly cast. The only person who really bothered me, casting-wise, was Havelock. And that's probably just…
Huh? I don't think your read on the captain of the Cant is correct. He had no intention of stopping to render aid. If the captain expected the idealists to report it, why wouldn't he just do so himself? If he needs the idealists to report it to cover his ass with the crew, what does he gain by ignoring it? Honestly,…
I loved Prax saying to Naomi "Oh, you must have kids." (or thereabouts).
"That's so Biden!" really needs to be a thing.
I like staple gun. Reminds me of what I've heard about Harrison Ford and the hat from Indiana Jones.
If nothing else, this show has established that both genders can, in fact, look hot in coveralls.
Could be a subordinate to Inaros? Or perhaps they haven't cast Marcos and so the chieftain is a stand-in?
That's an interesting thought. Perhaps Dawes was picking up on body language? I know that belters are supposed to be more physically expressive (due to having to communicate non-verbally in space suits). I'd say that Naomi had comparatively closed-off body language (hands in pockets, etc.), but at the same time, I…
Was it weird to anyone else that Alex and Naomi were going to board a ship with just the two of them? I mean, it worked out, but they would've been outnumbered heavily if they actually caught Dawes, et al.
Definitely. I don't really remember that character from the books, so I don't remember specifics, but it certainly felt like he knew the whole story before bothering to speak with her.
I forgot where I knew him from. Thanks!
Aside from the sound sync error, yet another amazing episode. I have to say, I could barely follow the Belter conversations, and I love it. I don't know if it was the intention, but being able to understand bits and pieces (and the general gist) but not the whole conversation really made it felt like the perspective…
That priest guy was so damn creepy! He seemed waaaaayyyy too involved for a Chaplain; plus that actor plays creepy so well.
I've currently have a full-color Roci from Shapeways winging it's way to me.
Why is the timing of this release not being discussed more? The release was obviously timed to take attention away from the "new" Muslim Ban.
Okay, it was a terrible scene. You win.