
Yeah, this show was very enjoyable, but not quite "must-see" for me. I think the cast was what I enjoyed the most. It was fun while it lasted. :-/

Much as I liked Friday Buzzkills…
How is this different from The Hater?

I'd like to see some folks dying from dysentery on the Oregon Trail.

Hm. This actually seemed like one of the lesser episodes to me (which, compared to everything else on TV is still pretty good). Dunno what the status of the show is, and maybe it's because I was high when I watched it, but this episode seemed to have higher production values and a little more "very special talk"

All I could think when I saw Max in those pants was "Hammer Time."

Yeah, I felt the same way. It's hard for me to believe that the judges, much as they harp on "masculine dancing" haven't called him on dancing like a bitch yet. He's weird and not in an interesting way, and his dancing is so effeminate it makes me uncomfortable.

I'm worried about his brother not making it to Season 6 because he's too bald (again).

Yeah, I was disappointed about Ashley, too. Her solo was the most interesting to me, and I think she made Kupono look much less worse during the Sparks routine. Kupono's solo was awful to me — not interesting at all, but what do I know…

@ Gavin: It is indeed, aka Busy Phillips.

Yeah, it seemed really obvious to me that they were not actually married.

I can hear my echo in here…
Yeah, I wished the AV Club would have covered this series' run. It was cute and witty without being obnoxious. I really liked this show…

Two words: swine flu.

Good call on the name, wookie, I totally missed that!

I think the actual title is "rad tech" which is either way cooler or way douchey, depending on your outlook.

My parents loved them too. My first concert was Oak Ridge Boys in BRANSON when I was about 8, which was never cool until right now. Thanks for this, Noel!

My boyfriend's grandfather went out for a loaf of bread one day, then returned 30 years later, holding a loaf of bread. Shit happens, I guess.

I read somewhere that the Observer is in every episode, like a Where's Waldo easter egg. Since then I've made a point to look for him, and whaddaya know, he is in every episode! I like stuff like that.

Everything I Need to Know I Learned from Tropic Thunder
You never go full retard.

For real, Geddy. One sure-fire way to make my dog RUN AWAY is to throw down the ole sticky mat. The texture freaks her out — she won't even piss on it, and she pisses on EVERYTHING. If I tried to balance my dachshund on my belly while I was doing a bridge pose like that picture, she would break her neck jumping off

to ba: it's pretty shameless of Fox, actually. But yeah, it irritated the shit out of me and seemed like a very patronizing, creepy thing to do.