Hillbilly Whisperer

I just watched the episode again - caught many of the things you all have been talking about the second time around. My impression of Doyle's "Who doesn't?" (great moment, thanks for mentioning it Spork) was that he just didn't see Loretta as a threat, and certainly someone his mama could handle gun or not.

@La Pipe, excellent point about how Art views Raylan and his Lone Ranger tendancies. That is why I found their last scene together so poignant. Raylan thanked Art for coming and looked as if he fully understood that in this case going it alone would have gotten him killed. He was grateful for Art and this wasn't

There is a post-season finale interview with Walton Goggins floating around where he says that Boyd let Dickie go with Raylan because Raylan needed him more than Boyd needed to kill him at that moment. That, plus Raylan now "owes him one" and Boyd has every intention of collecting.

Loved how Arlo had a discrete doctor on "retainer".

Raylan and Art
Raylan's relationship with Art continues to get worse, but I have hope that Art's hesitation to Raylan's idea of a transfer to Glenco was because he didn't really want him to go, then I read somewhere that it has more to do with Art not wanting to write a recommendation or felt that Raylan should get a

It's hard to guess what else she might have said to Art, but it's hard for me to imagine her coming clean about the money. especially now that she's pregnant. I have often wondered if Art recognizes that he doesn't know all the details, but he sure acts as if Raylan was in on the theft to begin with, and (smartly)

I believe that Mags had also lost her standing with the town, they had turned on her (as she had turned on them) as shown in last week's episode as well as in what Doyle's fellow cop (deputy?) told Boyd about his feelings for the Bennetts. Losing her sons and the support of her town, losing Loretta, facing jail (she

Thanks for sharing this! Love me some Art, I hope I never have to imagine a show without him. Nice to know that he's a natural at this and that it's not all written for him.

Hmmm…are you suggesting that from now on any member of the Crowder Clan must also sport the Crowder Hair? Ava is a hair stylist after all…she could do the job as a clan initiation. Of course that means that really, in all fairness, Ava must cut her own locks as well.

I believe Raylan and Winona were married for six years. The way they have portrayed Raylan's estrangement from both Harlan and Arlo, I think it's quite possible that Arlo never met Winona. Although Ava knew that he had married, so I'm sure they had that knowledge.

@Mean Mean Monkey - Thanks for mentioning that. That particular moment is really fantastic acting by Timothy Olyphant. Raylan's self control in the face of Jed's confession is quite a thing to see. One of my favorite scenes in this episode.

@tearitup - Thanks for reminding me and you are so right! Was his name Harry? (He was also on Deadwood.) He's in jail now, and I suppose they didn't replace him? So there isn't a sheriff in Harlan County.

"I can still arrest people, y'idiot."

Am I the only one surprised that none of the Lexington marshal's showed up at Aunt Helen's funeral to support Raylan? I suppose they really are over him at this point.

Is there a sheriff of Harlan County?
Can someone please help me understand the lawman of Justified? I thought Bennett County was it's own little fiefdom with Doyle as sheriff of Bennett County (isn't that what it says on the side of his squad car?) but Dickie and Doyle often act as if Harlan is a part of Bennett

I don't know, I think Ava deserved it. From Raylan's perspective, she has really crossed a line. Yes, he may not typically be rude to her, but he was feeling great grief over his loss. I actually feel like Raylan continues to seperate himself from his Harlan brethern, just as his Aunt Helen knew about him, that he

No way. "The Message" was the worst. :-)

@Shugee, I don't disagree with your point that we really don't know that much about Ava's background, her family or what she did and did not know when married to Bowman Crowder. I think I would be able to go with this a little more if it wasn't for the fact that Ava made a BIG DEAL to both Boyd and Raylan that she

I hate to agree, but at this point I'm afraid I must, but only when it comes to Ava and Boyd. I think I could be on board with their decisions if we had been given more insight and time into how they came to their conclusions, given the horrific events of last season. I would have liked to see a more definitive

@AVCRC - Thanks for sharing that information - it's a lot of fun to peek behind the curtain after the episode has aired. Thanks for taking the time! I understand that they do the best they can to make the terrain look like Kentucky, but if you've ever been to Kentucky, you can't help but notice the difference and