
My mum wouldn't let me watch Buffy or Charmed until I was a teenager, because they were horror shows but while on vacation around Grade 5, I read a non-fiction paperback of hers about different occult-related murders. I even discussed it with her with no problem at all.

This is pretty much what I would be like if I was famous enough to be on any talk shows, so I approve of this GJI.

I feel like I'm totally going to be judged for this, and I don't know if it's the *best* thing that came out this year… But I bonded with Wynonna Earp to a weird, obsessive level that I haven't hit since I was a teenager.

I agree with her, but I also love Brian Fuller and I want them to work together on something better than that Carrie movie. And she's one of my favourite actresses (I love May like whoa) and she really isn't in enough stuff. So it's a shame.

*pushes glasses up nose*
Time to be a pedant - Waverly isn't a teenager, she's 20-22. She's approximately six years younger than Wynonna, who turns 27 in the pilot, so. Her boyfriend Champ is out of high school, and as far as we know was never a quarterback - he was a rodeo champion, though. I also wouldn't call her

I love the show, both characters, and the pairing, but I still really don't that scene, and was disappointed to see it singled out here. It's too rom-com-y. (My friend thought it was more like a porno, pre-sexing, and that's not inaccurate either.)

I mostly remember thinking Season 3 was overall an improvement, and yet being so pissed off at Peter and the way Olivia's trauma was handled that it actually ruined the show for me.

That's not Wynonna in the Wynonna Earp clip.

I was just thinking how funny it would be to play that song over Piper's scenes.

Add in "pandering," "liberals," and "SJWs," and you've gotten Homophobe Bingo!

Okay, I'm replying late, but YES.

Watched the new episode of Wynonna Earp. Then went to my friend's place, and introduced them to Wynonna Earp… I am currently fairly obsessed with Wynonna Earp. I'm kinda disappointed that the AV Club only reviewed the pilot, which wasn't that great.

"I’m glad Caroline brought up Spider-Man, because while I’m sure
someone else will eventually play that role as well as Tobey Maguire
(Sony and Marvel certainly won’t stop giving it shot after shot)"
Wow, really? Whenever my buddy and I discuss the Raimi movies, the conversation inevitably turns to Tobey Maguire's

I agree that he was hitting on Gretchen, which I think was part of what made it so upsetting for her. If he wasn't hitting on her, he could've just been running his mouth a bit about the idle doubts he sometimes had about his life. But if he was hitting on her, it meant that he took those doubts seriously enough that

Damnit, we just missed Hannibal Lecter as Christian Grey's psychiatrist.

This is off-topic, but good god, does stuff like that remind me of the Bill Cosby case. I looked at the official arrest announcement on Facebook, and the top-voted comments were all defending him, largely on the basis of his being a black man. This was exacerbated by Tamir Rice's killers walking free the same week.

Right? My first thought was "How is she even able to go low enough for Rosa without it killing her throat?"

But will the original writers be involved? I'm all for more FLCL, but doing such a weird and unique show without any of the same creative minds behind it seems like a recipe for disaster.

Having read this, I feel like I understand why my grandmother loves this show so goddamn much.

See, now you're not quoting the show. Now you're just using the word in an attempt to get a rise out of me.