
I love the show. I don't care how vulgar it is - and I, personally, am not adverse to vulgarity. But there's a difference between a bunch of fictional characters using slur words, and actual people doing so; whether they're discussing the TV show in question or not.

I was going to ask how you thought someone who was trans would feel reading this conversation, but I guess you just answered that question.

I can't speak for recognitions, but I agree that "tranny," is a hurtful slur. I don't mind it being used in the show though, because the characters are meant to be awful, awful people, not role models.

That was a *recorder*.

OK, this is one GJI I can get behind - my brother linked to this yesterday, and I'd already started following it.

OK, this is one GJI I can get behind - my brother linked to this yesterday, and I'd already started following it.

But that didn't end up being platonic?

I can't see it ever happening, even on Sunny. The Waitress just has such revulsion for Charlie that I can't imagine she would ever choose to spend time with him sober without being bribed or blackmailed into it.

Right? I started shipping them when I was looking through a Let's Play of the first episode to check out the game, when they were holding hands during their conversation in the snow. When the kiss choice popped up, it took me a couple of seconds to hit KISS HER because I was busy squeeing in fangirlish glee that I was

I agree that Felicity's promotion to Main Love Interest torpedoed her character and the ship in Season 3, although I thought Season 4 was, at least, a massive improvement. The relationship angst has been massively reduced, which is a huge plus, and Oliver's become adorably domestic.

I like FitzSimmons plenty, but moreso as friends. Simmons and Daisy, though, I can root for. I was also pretty tempted by Jemma and Bobbi, after Bobbi got her out of Hydra and Jemma had a bit of a hero crush on her. Really, I think I just want Jemma to be kissing ladies.

Does Drew Fortune actually root for the relationship of Charlie and The Waitress? That's kind of terrifying, given Charlie is a huge stalker (breaks into her house, follows her everywhere, tried to have her stabbed so he could "rescue," her…) and The Waitress has taken out multiple restraining orders.

That made me laugh for about a straight minute. Thank you.

Charlie bribing The Waitress to see the play with the promise of leaving her alone, only to renege on the deal the moment she turns down his proposal, is IMO one of his darkest stalking-the-Waitress moments.

I can't tell whether this is mocking the notorious lack of intimacy between Mitchell and Cam, or people who relentlessly insist that what are obviously same-sex love interests are just close friends way past the point where it should be explicit.

Yeah, I found the dog scratching at it's bowl and starving to death too upsetting for the montage to be funny. That could just be my own issues though (I'm just glad Dennis Jr. wasn't a cat, or I would've been an absolute wreck) so I wouldn't necessarily call it a knock against the quality of the episode.

Protecting her family was clearly the predominant factor motivating Alex's actions. However, I think she still picked the best of a bunch of bad options, morally speaking. (I mean, I probably would've arrested him when he was alone, kept the hood on until he was in his cell, and tried to make sure no one who didn't

I've been keeping an eye on this show basically because Smallville (which Gough and Millar also showran) holds a special place in my heart. It began when I was a kid, and was basically my education in bad television.

Yes! Darkplace is one of my favourite shows, so I immediately thought of that joke.

Sure, but they apparently didn't even have a clear picture of her, and she lives and works out of SHIELD anyway. Even if they put her all over the evening news, that'd only cause trouble when she was dealing with the public. (And even then, she could probably just dye her hair or use a disguise - it wasn't like it was