
Yeah, if he was going to straight-up release a video statement, you'd think he'd have covered up his face a little better.

1. It occurs to me that they could have partially verified Jay's story if they'd found his doppelganger. It wouldn't be a perfect test - he could've still been lying about being Alt-Flash, and he wouldn't necessarily even have an Earth-1 doppelganger, but still.

"Mack, you seem like a really nice guy, but when you asked me on a date, I thought we'd be doing something other than sitting on your couch playing video games."
"Like what?"
"I don't know, dinner?"
"If you're hungry, there's some pizza right there. So, you wanna go another round?"

She can both have PTSD and feel that she needs to go back to Nightmare Moon to help someone else who was there, or whatever the fuck her reason is.

Aw, Simmons. I'm glad Elizabeth Henstridge appears to be getting a long-running emotional storyline she can really sink her teeth into - girl has been a class act from day one.

I kind of thought he was rushing Simmons to get out and about a bit, although I understand he only meant well. And he learned from the lab, and cleared out the restaurant so there wouldn't be so much stimuli! That was very thoughtful.

Wait, did the ACTU dudes already know where Lincoln was, or did Coulson point them to him? It… sorta seemed like the latter.

"not only does Alfred punch Selina in the face"
Okay, I don't watch this show, but… Wow. I've heard this show's Alfred is meant to be a bit more rough-and-tumble than he usually is, but I didn't know that extended to punching children.

Man, I can't help but feel bad for Caitlin - her fiance/husband keeps heroically dying on her. That's gotta be rough.

Honestly, if the show's going to kill someone off, Coulson's the one I'm least attached to.

Oh wow, I had not heard about that. Imma need to see gifs of this.

Wow, that's bad news about Australian Netflix. I was thinking they'd get a lot more shit as they got it up and running, but instead they're roadblocked indefinitely.

As someone who enjoys analyzing the shit out of gender portrayal in pop culture, and finds the whole Twilight phenomenon anthropologically fascinating, I'm actually really interested to see what got changed besides the names.

That's disappointing. Netflix is new here in Australia, and has an annoyingly limited selection. I was thinking about getting it once they up their game.

Oh good, it wasn't just me having thoughts in that direction.

Oh, that's fair enough then. I'm sure this movie will still suck hard, but if that's his genuine accent, I can't criticise it on that front.

Sam Worthington, who I mostly remember for being the former boyfriend of less successful and far more talented Australian actress Maeve Dermody.

Okay, I'm not an American, so I'm not the best critic of American accents. But does anyone else think that dude sounds like someone who A) has never been to the South and B) is trying really, really hard to sound like a rough 'n' tumble Southern cowboy? The fact that his sister doesn't have the same accent - or not

And that, kids, is why people who don't want to be breeders should neuter their pets. For fuck's sake.

Okay, they shouldn't kill Eddie, morally speaking. But I sincerely think, to save the world, that that dude needs to go out and get a vasectomy.