
Personally, I'm disappointed that she isn't writing it herself, as she threatened to some months ago.

So I guess Hot Topic is catering specifically to Orphan Black cosplayers now. That's nice?

And Titus can write her a song that goes "You kissed a girl and you liked iii-it!"

I don't love Randy, but I did love that part.

Eh, I've played CAH a couple of times, and it got old. It's basically just repeating the same jokes over and over, and there's not nearly enough variation or strategy involved to make it any fun as a card game. I really think it would only get more boring if there aren't a bunch of other people there - in person - to

I'm desperate for a horror movie about a rat who learns to drive a bus.

Still, I'd prefer a good dub over shot-for-shot remakes.

Shit, Utopia got cancelled?

If this spinoff happens, I hope it does follow on from the ending. Dexter Goes Alaskan should be about him chopping down trees and killing no one.

Now I want to watch this movie again. I saw it on telly at my parent's place once, and was totally into it for basically all the reasons you said (gosh, the dialogue has such a great, bouncy rhythm to it) while my dad rolled his eyes and sighed the whole time because he says that having stupid people as protagonists

My favourite ten minutes of the show, of all that I've listened to so far, was that bit in Judge Dredd where her, Jason, and Paul got into a big argument about whether the robot was powered by pasta. And I think in this theory, the guy was hacking it by eating the pasta? I haven't seen the movie.

Already did - she talked about it in an interview at the below link. It made me sad.

Truly, how could they leave out that classic episode where Dr. Daglass and Dr. Sanchez give out Reed's number as a massage parlour? That hilarious storyline was beautifully balanced by the more serious one about them going up against both racism and murderous Scottish ghosts. I didn't sleep for a week!

Yeah. When I saw that episode, I was apprehensive, but willing to see where they went with it.

All joking aside, it's hard to tell. There are some things pointing in that direction. He starts off saying that he wants a kiss, but then he started dragging her to the bedroom, and at one point he was pulling her shirt up. It looks like her belt could be unbuckled as she stumbles towards the door, too, and as her

I'm sorry, but I'm just a wee bit distrustful of sales promoted in the comments of completely unrelated articles with no context. I'll have to get my new workout shoes somewhere else.

When I read the title of this article, I became instantly terrified that this list would include "Sexual Assault/Attempted Rape," from Louie, or its follow ups "It's Not Assault If She Secretly Wants It," and "That's Just What Their Relationship's Like, Man."

I concur about the detective game being a particularly poor choice for the Don't-Choose-Your-Own-Adventure game. It really bothered me that I was able to be Sheriff Asshole, The Worst Detective Ever, and still ultimately solve the case, save the day, keep my job, ect. Maybe it would work better in a role where success

I appreciate that, but I don't see why they couldn't do both*. Also, I feel it's misleading to advertise it the way they did when you can't actually change the story much at all.

Honestly, I wasn't that into The Wolf Among Us, because it drove me nuts that it was a Choose Your Own Adventure story in which you did not, in fact, get to choose your own adventure. You make choices, and often they don't make any difference beyond a line or two of changed dialogue. Other, bigger choices send you