
My grandma used to always talk about analogue television here in Australia switching over to "digical." She now almost always gets it right… because I would crack up every time she said digical.

If you follow the link to the gallery and load the entire album, third from the bottom is "Saving Mr Banks II: Freezing Mr Disney." It even has a picture of his head in a jar.

I'm going on a trip this weekend and won't be able to see the episode for a little while. I'm very much looking forward to it, but right now I'm a little sad that I'll have to wait that long to see how much of this is accurate.

I saw them when they came to Australia last year, and there was this guy outside beforehand going up and down the line, asking if anyone had a spare ticket. He wasn't offering to pay for them. He just wanted someone, who had bought a ticket in advance and come into the CBD to wait in line to see this now defunct band

As someone who hate watches this show (because Aaron Sorkin writes a unique and fascinating kind of bad TV) I am taking that D- as my Christmas present from The Newsroom and The AV Club. Been a few too many semi-decent episodes around here lately.

Oh man, that was great article/misplaced comment synergy. I don't know that much about Taylor Swift, so I was thinking "Wait, Taylor Swift writes articles? And that's why people hate her? I thought it was just general hatred for boring teenybopper pop stars."

A large portion of the population are low-income earners and thus don't have the luxury of forgetting price, if they want to be able to pay the rent.

Yeah, this movie got increasingly annoying as it went on. I found the leads bland, and the plot increasingly ridiculous. I was surprised and pleased with a plot development around the end of the second act, but then they just reversed it ten minutes later anyway. 'Cause you have to conform to those Hollywood

Or, if it needed to be a crocodile, Black Water. It's like the superior indie version of Rogue.

That's exactly what I was going to say!

I definitely don't think it was fair to blame Simmons for all of Fitz's problems, but then, I thought that point of view made sense for Mack. He's close with Fitz, but all he knows of Simmons is that she made Fitz sad. If he's meant to be totally right, that scene can bite me, but I think it works rather well if he's

I seem to have an unusually low level of claustrophobia - I've been caving, had an MRI, explored storm drains for fun, and not been bothered at all, which I think is the exception to the rule? And I don't usually find anything particularly scary about being buried alive. I mean, I'm sure it would suck, but the idea

I am pleased to hear this is not as bad as that trailer was, but disappointed that you didn't think Ed Oxenbould stood out, as I was thrilled to hear he had a main role in a big US comedy film. He had a small but regular part on Puberty Blues here in Australia, and regularly stole scenes from the rest of the very

My mum, brother and I used to watch Sabrina The Teenage Witch reruns every day after school. I'm not sure whose idea it was, although I suspect it was my mum's. Pretty sure it wasn't mine, since I don't recall being that into it even back then - apart from the talking cat, of course.

I am insanely jealous of all of you. My parents mostly had a pretty "entertain yourselves," attitude to my brother and me, so trips to the cinema were rare and restricted to things they wanted to watch anyway. We didn't have bonding movies - if my brother or I were watching something they weren't interested in, they

This is largely irrelevant, but I love this term "crumb bum," and want to adopt it.

I want to go to the Brother Plant! I imagine it's a factory where they make monks.

Dude, there's no need to be rude with me and several others from this comment thread just because we don't like the film. You're putting out a lot of vaguely insulting assumptions about us, and how we're going out of our way to hate the film, and (for me at least) what other films we must hate. Beyond this thread, you

And the car chase?

Whoops, I saw this many years ago, and forgot that the truck was stopped during that scene. What about the severed head fellatio and the car chase, then?