Hipster Dick Cheney

Right, if "Please Please Me" were 10 minutes long that would get kind of annoying. But the Beatles are also a rock band and "Hey Jude" is a rock ballad.

I like how the lyrics of Come Together are describes as:

Well it is in my top 2 songs written by Ringo.

I like how that was supposed to be the pithy opening line of an epic takedown too. I guess the closer could be: "Old Brown Shoe" is such a terrible song that even this Beatles-illiterate staff writer hates it!

I really like "Run For Your Life." The contrast between the early Beatles sounding melody and the psycho killer lyrics is what makes it so creppy and brilliant.

I'm not even a huge "Hey Jude" fan, but a lot of people are hating on the long outro which annoys me.

Oh god, that was such an insufferably pretentious choice for this list. Maybe the worst, I have to go back and check.

I like "Honey Pie" but please don't do that

You like "Piggies"??? PISTOLS AT DAWN!

So….who wants to debate the moral legitimacy of the "Run For Your Life" lyrics?????? Okay you guys start, but anyone who disagrees with me is a Holocaust-denying 9/11 pedophile.

I'll start with the "positives" by which I mean the opposite: THANK YOU for pulling no punches with "Piggies" and "Wild Honey Pie".

"When can we start the next paintball game?"
"I don't think you can force it."
"Lots of things can be forced, like a human head through a six-inch drain pipe."
"Just kidding, pal!"

Good point about Martin's original plan not being horrible. Yes, Martin is awful in this episode, but judging him by our standards perhaps does a disservice to how awful he's been in the past.

Holy shit go away

I just wanted to point out that the title says, "Comedy and animation" and many fans of animation have found this very misleading. I'm not sure if anyone else has brought this up, so I figured I should do so just to be safe.

I'd prefer that Oliver's apt TTG writeup not be used to troll fans of every other cartoon, as the TV Club Awards seems to have done deliberately, but it was nice anyhow.

Glad we cleared that up. I used to like Phish until reading your comment but you've convinced me they are terrible.

How were the reptile aliens, possibly the most incompetent evil aliens I've ever seen, able to oppress the koala aliens for so long? It appeared that their entire royal army had their hands full trying to defeat an elderly, unarmed, tiny koala.

Honestly I have an irrationally high (pardon the pun) opinion of Jon Fishman. But RIngo is Ringo, we're not talking about Neil goddamn Pert here. I don't drum so I'm open to considering any Ringo songs that Fishman would be unable to play, but damned if I can think of any.

"insult Ringo with a Fishman comparison"