Hipster Dick Cheney

I liked what Oliver wrote, he seems to get the point of the show which is cool. But I cannot justify recognizing TTG and not doing the same for Gravity Falls and Steven Universe at least. I understand leaving off AT because it's probably too late to consider their latest hot streak of canon episodes. I sort of like

So far, there have been two episodes of American Dad I really liked this season: "Too Many Mimosas" and "Holy Shit, Jeff's Back!" Both funny as hell.

I must admit, I kind of assumed you liked non-serious potty humor because you're a genital-faced children's toy. But clearly that was a racist assumption on my part. I apologize.

On a positive note, it's hilarious that more than half the comments are now about animated shows. I didn't even read any of this article yet.

Here are my awards for best drug to be on for each cartoon:

I saw China, IL once and is was…pretty good…I think? I wasn't as crazy about Baby Cakes as maybe I ought to be, but overall it was entertaining and had a good unique style.

"Whereas TTG, is not even particularly good at what it wants to be."

Bully for him. It almost seemed like the type of show he wouldn't like, however it is childish in a different way than AT. I think with TTG you either find it funny or you don't; it never really asks that much of the viewer. There are plenty of hidden jokes and references, but you don't have to find them to follow the

Much of the reason I agree with While My Guitar Gently Weeps (instead of We Can Work It Out and others) is because of all the awesome covers I've heard. The Beatles version is great, and Clapton's wobbly, sinister leads are memorable in their own right.

I love Back in the USSR, but it is a somewhat polarizing song among Beatles fans. I find it really catchy in an upbeat, bluesy way. I can't quite see the other side to that, except that maybe it's a tad overplayed, but many people I know are pretty lukewarm to it.

I thought the best review Sava wrote was for "Something Big" mainly because I liked the episode more than most, and there was some monologue at the end that totally went over my head (spoken by the sun I think) but he analyzed perfectly. He's had a few other highlights like "Root Beer Guy" and "Lemonhope" among others.

The "ethics" thing is a gamergate reference. It would only be valid if you accused Sava of selling his favorable reviews to cartoon writers for sexual favors, instead of giving them out for free like a patsy. If this sounds confusing I recommend not looking it up ever.

It's very jammy, it almost reminds me of Jon Fishman or Mickey Hart.

I love LSP too but I have zero faith in her to help anyone. Maybe it's to the show's credit that she is unpredictable and I could definitely see something like what you describe happening.

That's a good one, but my favorite Ringo fill is "Hello Goodbye." There's probably a few others I can't think of.

On a less cool note, it is also the chord progression to, "What's Up?" by 4 Non Blondes.

It's a bit of an epidemic. According to someone over at GoT newbies, MRAs also include anyone who does not demand that George R.R. Martin be immediately tarred and feathered. The funny part was that someone from GoT experts came by and commented on how much more civil and polite our thread was.

It would've been nice if they had cut it down to 20 songs and made the undisputed best album of all time forever.

I'm glad he didn't. "Honey Pie" kicks ass and I am going to find the Pixies version right now.

I think both of those have been the most popular choices in the comments, which surprised me a little with YNGMYM even though it is 100% justified, but there are a lot of pretty good Y songs.