Hipster Dick Cheney

I like Yvette a lot too, but I was rooting for Troy mostly because he had more interesting relationships with the other characters.

um that's okay, all opinions are welcome here…GOD GIVE ME THE STRENGTH NOT TO DOWNVOTE THIS

The A.V. Club

Downvoted for your 7-starred American flag—or cropping the American flag, an act of equal blasphemy. Also for liking your own comment, sorting by best post, and improper punctuation on Hitler-Hitler.

It would seem to be a very hard-working gay joke, whatever it is.

I have to say Al Swearengens Suspenders is definitely winning this argument so far.

I've been catching up on the last few, so I mistakenly thought this was the "A" episode and suffice it to say that I didn't suspect otherwise while watching it. It wasn't just token 4th wall references, it was powerful, "classic Community" meta-shit. The flash-forward was just hilarious.

I got the "grift is on us" thing about midway thru, which was a good enough framework for a great episode, but I thought it would've worked better if Jeff wasn't in on the final grift. It also could've used more dumb red herrings (like Leonard the clumsy bellhop). Overall, it was fine, but Community has set the bar

The Biscuit Taco?!?!? I need one right now.

It's not the best steak, but I've certainly had some tasty ones before.

hah I have no idea, you should google it

I prefer the 50's myself.

I'd like to switch to Mr. Horse quotes now, but I think that's the only one.

I really can't stress the word 'blonde' enough. Blonde.

He was into that whole Yale thing.

It was Blackmailed Into Gay, note the spelling.

That guy really gets my goat sometimes. He's always talking about how bad filet mignon is when he's digging into to lizard brains and shit. I don't hate him or anything, he's just like your roommate who just came back from Europe times a million.

If it were inherently conservative, there would be a clear contrast between good characters and evil ones. Inherently libertarian, maybe? I don't really care, just making conversation…it's lonely here on the Cheney ranch.

For sure, it's just a matter of if they actually get the client, which would've been a long shot without Gilfoyle's trickery.

I don't totally disagree, but this seems like an awfully glass-half-empty characterization. I kinda just assumed he hadn't raped anyone, naive as that may sound.