
The Curse of Badu? That was a Roger Cormen movie, right?

My point exactly, Holy Hand Grenade.
Nope Japan - not bullshit.

I have a great amount of sympathy and understanding for Walter White. I am middle aged and live in the Midwest. The job I do is for a company that may or may not survive the year, I have two little kids - one with Down Syndrome. I had a massive heart attack in November. And like every man like me - and there

I recall Mannix being pretty good.
The Quinn Martin shows all had matching title sequences. Featuring stills of the cast floating around, within, or jostling with a geometric shape. Cannon, Jones, Harry-O, they all had it.
I noticed that when they were on and pointed it out to my mother, who only shrugged.

I can give or take on this one.
Jackson's efforts are to me like a sit com. There is no substance and after repeated efforts it quickly becomes more of the same over and over again. Ah well.

Stupid Sexy Flanders!!

Wow. Fucking Wow.

This is sad.
God speed, Amigo.

Fuck this stupid crap. Yes they should be paid same as men if they have the same job. The rest of it, every bit of it, is wrapped so goddamned tight in their own blatany hypocrisy to even begin to take seriously. Modern American woman are a sad mix of undeserved empowerment, overcompensation, and hyper-sexuality

Who Cares?
The whole thing with this after a Superbowl ad is goddamned stupid. Why is the world so top full of these petty things?
Betty White probably smells terrible. Can you imagine?
Maybe she'll sadly pass away before SNL, and we can all watch the televised funeral and moving memorial tributes.
It's Betty White,

Fucking moron.

Fuck you, Warren.
And yes, "Fear and Loathing" is dull and massively overrated, as was its author by twits like you.
Go back to your Fritz the Cat and Fab Furry Freak Brothers comics and shut the fuck up.

Murder, She Wrote: Viking Invasion


Oops Oh…
So another non-celeb is doing the obituary mambo. And the world yawns.

Damn it!
Oh, Hollywood! Why are you doing this to us??
And people wonder why I watch porn.

I saw Kansas open for Yes a few years ago. Their guitarist was morbidly obese and had an eye-patch. Gross.

George Carlin
Occupation: Foole

Goddamn that's funny!!

Andrew Lloyd Webber Presents:
PONG: The Musical.