
Damn good thing this happened to Bill Cosby and not Woody Allen, or the hypocrites here would just not give a damn.
I have a question: we are told that people with predatory sexual predilections do not change. The number of Mr. Cosby's victims demonstrates a predatory nature. So why is it that Woody Allen gets a

Starwhackers Assemble!

You are 100% correct.

Because she has more friends and face recognition than talent.

The first two seasons of AHS were good. The rest have been bloody awful. I WILL NOT sit though Jessica Lange in another turn as faded old… fill in blank.

Help me, internet. Did Mr. Lewis do the voiceover work for a new age sort of album called celestial voyages or something. One of the stories was a man on a ship that used horses to pull the ship out of a calm and left them to die, and the man goes mad with rage and kills the captain. Anyone remember this? I'm

I have always been amazed at how Joan gets a pass from every Mad Men fan. To me she has always been one of the worst people on the show. In he beginning she was queen bee cruel to every other woman in the office, and the bolstering her hollow existence by shagging men for favors. Remember the episode where Roger

Look how young and/or living everyone looks in that picture.

Hehe heh. Soooo ocscene.

HAIL XENU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Good idea, Lobsters.

Rilke's comments on Ms. Hendrick's havng a remarkable bosom have been deleted due to utter obviousness.
Rilke proceeded to liken Hollywood's protection of this silly religion with the global coddling of Islam and was beaten with bundled reeds.

What a wrap up. And you call Sons of Anarchy "pulp drama".

What a sad movie year.
Is The Town a kind of Departed sequel?

To Kid or Not to Kid
I am not a fan of KR by a long way, but I have heard a couple of his "songs" while drunk in a bar and suddenly they are semi-tolerable. But that went away with the hangover.
I agree with the above poster: KR's success is a mystery. But entertainment success is full of mysteries. One thing I can

No Great Loss Yet
I think a new Bond film would be fine. I'm likely not to see it in theaters but certainly on DVD.
But as a devoted LOTR reader and watcher I cannot get excited over The Hobbit and am even kind of dreading it. There is such a leap from Hobbit to LOTR, from a kid's story to the sprawling epic of the

I don't get the whole man-ass thing on this show either. I mean, there is a good mix of smoking hot and skanky biker chicks on this show, and it stands to reason that they would put some smoking hot chick-ass in there.
And every kind of entertainment is better with female nudity. Any great movie would only have been

She is really cute.

I am just never going to stop enjoying this, Nicole.
Your glittering satire is to have myself taken apart, undone, touched at the place of my own essence; it is to be turned back, as if after a long absence, into a human being, over and over and over again…
