
You know…
…I'm glad John Goodman was not in No Country for Old Men, as it would have just ruined it for me.

Exactly. I don't get why he is still doing anything in the industry.

Good Idea Networks!!!
Then there will another award show on that I won't watch!!

Hard to believe this turd is still circling the bowl. Funny how there are always some in the entertainment biz who always seem to be working, or appearing, or interviewed without contributing anything and being themselves essentially talentless. Must be a nice gig. Colin Quinn is kind of like Jim Belushi that

I understand he brought back a pharmacist with him.

*coat flips up in air while exiting limo in slow motion*

@ ZMF:
We've had our differences but that was fucking brilliant. You have me hating pharmacists and loving Nick Cage. I'm humbled.

But… But…
Axl is the only original GnR member, right?
And most of everyone else who was GnR plays together in a different band, right?
My point is that dude can call himself Gun n' Roses all he wants, but he was only a single component of a much larger whole. To me it does not matter who owns the name.
I think everyone

It could be a good movie…
…but does every feature film have to be a remake? Just sayin'.

You know what?
Showgirls in 3D. Who's with me!!!

Status. I like that!!

Actually, the retard ZMF said my PROFILE was the douchiest of any AV Club contributer. And I agree completely, unless you look at ZMFs.
Hey Penis Warrior! Get a real account and stop standing on the sidelines! It is hard to take anyone seriously who does not have an account of their own. But hey, unlike me you may

Okay, but tell me it did not look like someone was behind Gale.
I love this show, but I was expecting more. The prior finales have given us so many shocks and misdirections. Now we have a bunch of questions and no shocks, per se. Of course Jesse is in hiding. Of course Mike is looking for him. Of course the cartel

I don't think Jesse capped him.

Math is hard.

With the Joekr at Arkham and Batman villianized by Gotham, an eerie visitor comes to take control of Gotham's crime world. I tall, thin, handsome man with a deadly secret and a switch and tube mounted on one arm…
This is who it should be.
Nuff Said.

Fuck this Betty White nonsense.


Fuck you Zodiac, pussy moron.

Thanks. I'm going to give this one a whirl.