
Russel Brand

Why oh Why??
The review reads like this is not a good book, but it gets a B. Why is that? The recurring problem with the AV Club is they are in no way consistent in their graded reviews. The reviews are good reading, and well done, right up until the grading system. This is especially true of books. It is like


This is perfect. I have a Pink Martini CD and really like it, and to see some of the origins is refreshing and exciting. I'm going to look into these ones. Perfect Gateways segment.

I agree, Fresh Jive.

Good interview. I like Fred.
He should be on Sons of Anarchy.

Cameron Diaz is…
Screen pollution. Anything she is in has an immediate suck factor of -5. Yes, Gangs of New York, too.

Cancel Sarah Silverman
They ditch this show but keeps that piece of shit Sarah Silverman on the air? SS is the worst show on TV.

My cats breath smells like cat food!

Good Topic
Robin Williams or Jim Carey. Won't watch 'em.
But Man in the Moon and some of William's recent dramatic efforts like One Hour Photo are exceptions proving the rule.
And I completely understand the bias on Oprah's Book Club, and the Jessica/Jennifer rule makes sense to me, too.

Tom Green
He did bang Drew Barrymore…

Cautionary Note…
I'm reading Heart Shaped Box now and I like it. As I read last night I thought of posting an email to Mr. Hill urging him never to switch gears and write mainstream fiction, but work within his genre and make it a real literary art form. We are littered with Koontz and Barker and King who have

I want to have lots of sex with Anne Hathaway, and then I want to lie in bed with her and read books on a cool spring day, then have dinner as I gaze into her amazing eyes.
Then have lots more sex.

I missed the show when it was new, but have been watching on IFC. It is damn funny in parts but it did jump the shark. Right about the time Henry Winkler jumped the shark on the show.
I think Maeby is the weakest Bluth character. Once George Michael stopped lusting for her and found Anne, Maeby becamea moot

Fuck These Guys
I mean that. Fuck 'em. They have never been as creative, talented, or plain good as their hype. I put them in the same circle of audio hell as Madonna and Jonas Brothers and Hansen, etc…

Buster Keaton?
Are you fucking kidding me?

Someone needs to take some pictures of his corpse. Privacy Schmivacy.

Little Things
Gary Oldman is surely one of my favorite actors. All the same I'm not so inclined to watch this movie. One does wonder why they did not give the role to an actual dwarf.
But I tell you this: I am grateful beyond measure the technology was there to make normal sized actors into hobbits in LOTR. Seeing a

I'll be honest with you…
this movie does not look all that good to me, and it has not since the barrage of media first came out. But even if it did look better and more interesting, I still want it to fail. I want this chum to bomb and take that ego-douche Cameron with it. He deserves it. He is a celebration of

Fucking Yuck
I hated this movie. I hated every part of it. I frankly hated it so goddamned much that I have to talk myself into watching anything from Thorton since. Everything about this movie was wretched and sad. The black dwarf made me want to vomit, and the kid was repulsive.
This movie is completely