
The right to be wrong…
…is in full evidence here. The books that I like in it are not part of what I would call the best of the 00's. You are way off the mark.

Tom and Warren: someone is not dumb if they do not agree with you.
If Anderson is trying to say what you think in his films, then he should make one - one - that conveys that as such then move on. You ought to know that.
Damn, get your heads out of your asses.

That was spot on, Stacy.

The only thing I do not like about the AV club is its addition to kid movies. It is so damned irritating and frankly helps skew their already skewed grading system for films.
Look, the best thing about Dahl books are the books. This movie has a bunch of filler and crap that REMOVES something from the story. It is

Who's Done
The Who made a farewell tour in 1981. I went to their show in Tempe on Halloween night. It was wonderful. When they started coming back and performing again I said I was not interested in them anymore, and that I was taking them at their word.
And I did and I have. Who's gone.

I liked it. But then again I never have seen Lost, was only interested in the X-Files episodes with monsters, and most people who post here are smarter than me.

I do not want to see any goddamned kids movies, and I am sick to death of seeing them reviewed so highly. Enough with the CGI and 3D cartoons and all that shit! This is the only thing I HATE about the AV Club.
Cartoons are cartoons, you fucking morons. They are not classics, or art, or anything else.

The IRA are terrorists or freedom fighters, depending upon the side of the fence you happen to be sitting on. Hate to say it, but the same goes for al qaeda.
Mea culpa

If Darby is NOT ashes and grease I am bummed. He is a useless distraction on this show and should be killed off.

Page 449
Awesome episode. I finished watching with the feeling that a corner has been turned, and the Sons are moving from a place of bitter contemplation and rage to a place they know best: Action. It is kind of like Hamlet immediately after the To Be Or Not To Be speech. Everything after that is intentional.

Fathers and Sons
All the posts on here are good observations. This show is to me the best thing on TV right now. It has moved into personal and emotional territory I did not expect.
A few thoughts:
I read a lot of frustration with Jax, that he should not be acting the smug bad-ass when he wins a little battle with

Agree. I think the racism can be easily overlooked.

I'm going to have to go and get Silent Hill.
Lame or not, The Grudge scared the holy shit out of me. It still does. As much as I want to see it again I can't get the moxie up to do it.

Yep, there is a lot of shit out there called Necromonicon. Butthere is a little gold, too. It depends on how well the author understands Lovecraft's core ideas on the mythos and the sourse material.
I can strongly suggest Donald Tyson's Necronomicon as the best one, in that it follows the mythos theme

You Did It!!!!
I suggested Lovecraft when you first started Gateways, and have written a couple of times since with the suggestion. Thanks for including the old gent in this series!!

I would rather watch Dunham than Sarah Silverman any day. That show completely sucks, and proves at Comedy Central it is mostly who you know and not your level of talent.

Fuck you stupid clowns. Stacy can make any point she wants to here.

KISS and Tell
I too fell under the KISS spell in the late seventies. I think Alive II might have been the first real rock album I ever bought (not a hidden firstie, neither is this). I know seeing them on the Dynasty tour was the first concert I attended (see above). My teenage room was plasterd with posters and

Nope nope nope nope nope good pr but no talents nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope this is what asshole retards like nope nope nope nope nope nope no way nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope nope overrated nope nope nope nope nope

This Show Rocks
A good review and a good grade for this episode. I am getting more and more worried too that Gemma still is not opening up about the rape. Bobby siding with Jax was a shock, or was it? He wants answers, and he said it right to Clay about going to Tig for fast vengence (paraphrased) and coming to him