
She ran right into your Canceraids, dipshit.

That is excellent insight, Zombie Fucker.
That might be the strangest thing I have ever written.

I don't like Drew. She has no creative talent. Think Charlie's Angels. The only thing worth watching she's done is the opening of Scream.
Chicks like her having creative careers in Hollywood is what is wrong with Hollywood.

Missed Opportunity
Several years ago back in Arizona I wanted to do a film with these guys who were making monster movies. I ran a few scripts passed them and while they liked them they kept wanting to do zombie films and only zombie films. Why only goddamned zombie films I ask? So one of the last and I think it

There are a lot, really.
Looking back on all of it now, I spent too much of my time being a kind of obsessive snob, adhereing to only a few potent books, artists, and experiences and happily thumbing my nose at the rest. The reason I think it was okay for me later in life to say "there is no point in bashing

Bingo, Zoidburg!

Reading the above interview and subsequent comments, I know for certain I do not want to read this book. Sounds like a ponderous, sleepy one-way ride up your own ass.

Woodstock Legacy
The importance of Woodstock is nothing but a Boomer myth. It meant nothing, it accomplished nothing, and even for entertainment value it sucked balls for those who went. I am so goddamned sick of hearing about Woodstock!
And for you morons who think there would be no other music festivals if there

First and foremost in the alt-hist books for me is Fatherland. I have read everything from Harris and enjoy his work. It is also an easy step in compared to other alt-hist books.
Newt's alternate Gettysburg book sucks.

On The QT
Quentin Tarantino seems to be very good at making Quentin Tarantino movies.
I'll check this one out, certainly.

Uh Oh…
Excalibur was a really a moving and defining movie for me as a kid. I started reading ancient folklore and legends, discovered Wagner, and tried for the first time to embrace and define the symbolism used in film.
I agree with the post that says an Arthurian legend cannot be a real remake. I hope singer does

Want black people on your poster go see Soul Plane.
Find something legit to bitch about. There are so many real injustices out there.
For Fuck's sake…!

I agree with this post 100%. Apatow+Sandler+Rogan+ fat Rogan = Suckfest.

Admittedly, I do not intentionally watch a lot of comedy. That said, I have seen Apatow's work and I am not impressed. In fact, he seems to be the center of a whole clique of actors who have become convinced they are more talented-funny-appealing than they really are.
But Warren, your reply to Eric with Dane Cook and

And Jack White plays a Montgomery Ward cheapo, and is more of a success than you will ever be.
Get over your guitar fetishes and get a job!

So this is worse that Transformers 2?
If I had a girl who looked like that: pale skin dark hair, evil etc., I would absolutely dress her in antique clothes, perch her in a rocking chair on my porch with a big leather book and just have her scare the shit out of people by looking up at them as they pass. I dig that

Why did this get a B??? PC review from hell.
Take a second and reread the review. Everything about this book, according to the reviewer, is underdone, weak, beyond the scope of the writer to accomplish, etc.
So it gets a B? A F—king B??
A long time ago I watch Siskel and Ebert twist, squirm, and desperatly justify

Yep. That is it. We do the TV man. We certainly do.


Thompson was a drug-addled doofus with friends. That's all. There are a lot of talented magazine writers, and he could write once in a while if he wanted to. But there is nothing special about him at all.