
"Shame on you, Selina Meyer. Remember that name! No one will want to call their child by that name. There are no more Adolfs! Soon, there will be no more Selinas. You are looking at the last Selina. The Selina who killed America."

"Shame on you, Selina Meyer. Remember that name! No one will want to call their child by that name. There are no more Adolfs! Soon, there will be no more Selinas. You are looking at the last Selina. The Selina who killed America."

Having just re-read that section; I agree with you now.

Some great scenes, esp. McCounaghey's surreal prayer/pep-talk, but anybody else think last week's episode (with some minor adjustments to push up April & Stevie's conclusion) would have worked better as the series finale?  

Going off of Todd's point of "where did the chain of events begin? And where will the chain of events touched off by it end?"… Theon's burning of the letter just broke my heart.

Robb Stark: 40,000
Renly: 100,000
Lannister: 70,000
Stannis: 5-10,000

I can't put my finger on the word to describe Stannis' expression when he says "Faith" to Melisandre, but it was one of my favorite moments in the episode.

Pretty good list, but you're missing Venture Bros.

I recently saw "Diner" for the first time and was stunned at how much Jason Dohring resembled young Mickey Rourke. (A quick google search shows that I'm far from the first to notice this).

I didn't like the ending, but I really liked Joel Kinnaman in Snabba Cash and the few Killing episodes I saw. His brief role in Safe House was one of the few highlights of that movie.

I'm not sure I'd put these as my single favorite, but I thought these were underrated Season 1 gems:

I preferred the New Caprica arc (and most of the Pegasus arc) over the miniseries, but the rest of Seasons 2 and 3 fell pretty short of my excitement from the pilot. Since the miniseries is mostly free of mythology, I have it ranked highest mostly by default.

Miniseries > Season 1 > Season 2 > Season 3 > Season 4.

This show uses deus ex machinas pretty freely (Season 2's finale had me groaning audibly).

Reality TV is one of the very few things that I'm philosophically opposed to.

I recently re-watched Arrested Development's "Pier Pressure" and your avatar + comment made me smile.

How I Met Your Mother (and other sitcoms/movies have done it with body hair trimmers) did a similar joke a few years ago when it was revealed that Ted, Robin, Lily, & Marshall were all sharing the same toothbrush.

Great interview. Not surprisingly, his story instincts are pretty spot-on.

Two truths I think we all knew, but glad to have confirmed:

I agree with this take, though the haphazard plotting of the last few episodes shifted the show into "B" range for me. I thought they really needed to nail the ending to compensate for some creaky plot mechanics, and didn't quite get there.