
He's also a ghost, did you forget? A ghost can survive a pitchfork to the face.

New, simpler theory: Limb just planted the device when he was in there before, when he captured Red Mantle and Waldorf.

And not even George R. R. Martin has only ever offed one central character — Robb never had a POV (or was it just one?) so he doesn't even count.

Insurance, my good man. Not only is it a speicalty of the Investors (also how Pete & Quizboy got their money), but I wouldn't doubt if Dr. Killinger took out a policy if the Prof. turned out to be negligent either.

Those two are the closest thing the show has to a Statler and Waldorf and it's fucking fantastic.

But he was RIGHT THERE. Also he's such a famous tv icon!

Sizzle reel got taken down, I'm guessing for exactly the spoiler reasons you posted!

Don't forget Ghost Robot's civilian alter ego is the Weatherbot!

Could've sworn I saw Lyndon Bee in the club…

Can't it be both?

how could you turn away brrrrrrrrrrick frog!

I know you can't remember everyone's names, but for crying out loud, man, they said the new councilman's name IN THE EPISODE. In fact, it was even in a joke about how obvious everyone's identity was.

We also saw the Phage telling the Guild on Phantom Limb — but you could very easily be correct! My theory is that the Revenge Society bought out the Investors with Prof. Impossible's impossibly large fortune.

I think it's so bad they refuse to give it an F. Didn't they write a piece on why they don't hand out F's to just ANY movie?

I'd imagine it's Ann's father, who was pretty upset about the whole thing and seemed pretty offended when GOB's mannequin told him to straight up lie about what was in the cave. I'm guessing he slipped the cross in there during his "examination".

On the contrary, that fact is often used by liberals as an argument that conservatives should join them instead of fighting to cripple or destroy the EPA like so many of today's Republicans do.

"…oops, forgot my hat!"

Because the Guild and the OSI thrive on that kind of thing. Costumed idiots live for that shit, as do muscle-bound good guys who need to blow off a little steam by killing a bad guy every now and then. Having someone constantly try and "destroy" the Guild both fits the purpose of the Guild, and it keeps the Guild

giving orpheus shit for not being able to time travel was pretty dick.

I don't actually know that he actually know Dermott was involved — IIRC Al just gave him the keychain and didn't mention him at all. He might not have had enough information to make the connection. And even if he did know, I think it would just be an easy way to let Dermott know without admitting he delved into the