
Why does that have to be his job? Because that's what writing about ideas, and about science entails. Not doing so makes him a shitty writer. Nowhere did I say that his work his harmful. It's ridiculous to shrug off someone doing a shitty job as "well that's just the writing he wants to do." His books are very often

He SAYS they're not like that, but it's rarely presented like that. He calls assertions of his own "laws", says that the concepts presented in his books are "rules", and to the casual reader unfamiliar with science (he's personally said that anyone who finds his books too simplistic shouldn't be reading them), they

I actually would talk with Scott Murphy at the University of Illinois at Chicago's Japanese club, where people went to sit around and practice their conversational Japanese, usually with the university's Japanese instructor present. The guy actually knows a good deal of Japanese, and Allister really got their money

It's a shame NYC takes all the good comedians away from Chicago, otherwise we might've had a decent rebuttal. I was hoping AV Club would at least tip the scales back a little.

It's somewhere in between "yee" and "gee", but closer to "yee".

Did you get a chance to get any gyros from Greektown? Also while you're there, try the saganaki — we invented that!

How could he tell the difference in New York?

I'd compare it more to basketball or hockey.

New Yorkers made pizza a little bit bigger and shitty enough that you could sell it for a dollar a slice. Chicagoans took pizza and improved it to a delicious, sublime dish that can serve as a meal with enough calories to give you the energy to go dig your car out from underneath a foot of snow.

Also New York: stop calling it a "gyro", it's "gyros", and stop serving the crap you call "gyro" and stop calling what you're serving (doner) "gyros".

Only New York could be so full of itself to make a pizza a little bigger and call it "New York" style.

A.V. Club, how could you let a New Yorker write this for you? I thought I could at least count on you to stand up for a pizza that actually tasted good?

Jackie Gleason: Brought to you by smoking!

Since you won't hate the song, let me:

sounded like a sontaran to me

If this is true, this is probably the best joke in the whole episode: I really, really hope they just offed Meg with a sentence at the end of the episode and absolutely nobody noticed because they assumed it would be reset next week.

I know they normally pull shit like this and then hit the reset button, but is no one seriously entertaining the fact that Meg might have *actually* died on this episode?

That seems to be pretty consistent with the Walter White scale of $20,000 for one hour for sad lonely rich men.

I too read these as a kid, and I definitely didn't catch the misogyny because I was caught in the trap that a lot of other socially awkward young nerds were: that because of my suffering, and because of my intelligence or talent or whatever, I *deserved* a beautiful woman, and simultaneously hated the beautiful women

I saw it as a metaphor for consciousness: the cats were just dumb playful cats until they put on the boxes. Once those were one, they became people, and had all the typical people problems. Very much how your brain is just made up of a bunch of dumb neurons, but there's some kind of metaphorical box that goes on the