
No because Jake dies without Finn there. The Cosmic Owl has spoken.

Pretty sure one said "I'm finally free!" The whole train was a honey trap for adventurers.

Surely this could be seen as equivocating the ridiculousness of getting lizard surgery to getting gender reassignment surgery, no?

"Doc hates him because he's just like his dad …and because tumors aren't supposed to be better than you."

The Sorry! joke was the most obvious and hackneyed joke on the show tonight!

I'll never understand why racists think that having/not having friends of another "race" is the #1 sign that you are/are not a racist.

Great social commentary. Terrible episode. It just kept repeating the same joke over and over again, and a bunch of worthless scenes just to get Cartman to where he needed to be. I can only tolerate so much of the "confident fourth grader completely convinces a bunch of adults of something ridiculous" crutch that

One of my favorite things about this show was that its film quality was that of a low budget evangelical station from the 80s. Is that going away (judging by the screenshot)?

Where's that terrible huge fork that hung in the White's dining room??

i could care less about nerds. this show just about as funny as two and a half men

wouldnt it be funny if nerds were so nerdy they couldnt have a normal conversation without talking about their pet interest? repeat x1000000, comedy gold!

Robert Forster looks like Norm MacDonald's dad.

See? Feeding the trolls can be good sometimes.

Because American Dad is *awesome.*

And just like Brian Griffin, the best bits are when he's just palling around with the bloke with the weird head.

Come back to Misfits, Sheehan!!

Louis CK had to go through years of shit to finally hit his stride. Chappelle already had success, and purposefully chose to hit the reset button. Give him a chance to catch up.

At a certain point, it becomes impossible — 2% of a stadium crowd shouting shit at you is pretty tough to perform through. Maybe in a small club, 2% of the crowd is one guy that you can embarrass and kick out. But in a huge festival? Or a big theater full of people? Even if you get the 98% of the audience on your side

It gets him warrants, though. That cash and the barrels probably have Walt's fingerprints. It provides a possibility that it might shake Walt and get him to confess to the illegally obtained evidence. It provides credence to Jesse's version of events over Walt's. It makes the "Hank made me" defense hold up a lot less.

cmon man this is fun too.