
Actually I think Jonas Jr. is supposed to be a success, the embodiment of the Hank Rearden superhuman that Ayn Rand liked to pretend actually existed. Steve Jobs is probably the closest figure we have to someone like that, even though he didn't actually invent any of the stuff.

Dana Synder is hilarious but no, he doesn't have any range. He's always just going to be Master Shake.

Up until now, the idea was that the modern Guild is descended from bored rock stars, which, while hilarious, is so silly you can throw it out the window. They're going on 6 seasons now; I think this is the only way to maintain some kind of mystery to the universe.

I think he said "substanceless" not "substance-list"

But they took his eye. Jonas Venture does seem like an "eye for a kidnapped and willingly returned son" kind of guy.

Honestly I think like people are giving this a bad grade because it's filler. We haven't had a filler episode in a long time; every other episode has to be about the mythos and progressing the "plot". Every season needs a good episode that's just about the comedy, and this ep brought it home by going back to its

PS I'm convinced that because they were so close to Skorpio (the Onasis-owned island), that "Spanokos" is near the island of Lefkas, which incidentally my family hails from. SPANAKOPITA!

Most overlooked gag: the callback to the idiocy of Hank and Dean in the pilot episode, playing "submarine" in a trunk only to be stolen by the Monarch. Guess it runs in the family!

Did no one else find the first half of the Radiolab story really overly sentimental and treacle-y? I thought the second half was far more entertaining; I couldn't stomach the first half at all.

I thought he did both?

'lucille bluth's older sister is right!"

I still haven't seen mention of my favorite GOB-pronunciation joke: in reading a flyer he pronounced "God" as "jode". Unless I'm remembering that wrong…

so the young kids are really into rejected oingo boingo songs??

I think the best thing the Kids in the Hall granted to this world was realizing that "99 bottles of beer on the wall" is a haiku.

Or his pronunciation of "God"

In showing this for the first time to my sister, she pointed out something that I'd missed: why does Jen have to be so stereotypically female? The idea that Jen being a woman, and therefore SHOE-CRAZY in the second episode seems lazy and cheap.

I don't remember that noodly riff in the chorus — what the hell is that doing in there?? It adds nothing to the song, it makes everything muddy instead of adding texture and it's distracting at best. And this song has no business being 5 minutes and 15 seconds long, it just repeats itself. A phaser on during the whole

The ManGo! page references a Javascript file which includes ASCII art of "The Man Inside Of Me". And if you have your debugger console on, it will display "I can just taste those meaty leading man parts in my mouth!"

awesome i cant wait to hear how much more deserving real people like Mike Judge are of success than some lame nerd thats just good at computers

Because getting into rehab increases your chances of surviving from 0% to *something.* Are you trying to say that rehab is pointless?