
The show has a excellent message, though: stop abusing shit and get to rehab before you end up like these losers.

But would the celebrities even go to rehab without the promise of cameras and TV time?

I do, and while he's probably making money off these people's addictions, the work he did is legit counseling (or at least appeared so on camera). These people would have definitely been way worse off without Dr. Drew's help. Would they have been better served in a rehab clinic without 24 hr cameras? Probably, but

You really don't know anything about how bad we are as a species in curing addiction. The average number of times an addict relapses before going straight is 7 times. And in that 7 times, if the addiction is powerful enough (like it usually is for celebrities), those people are going to die. Dr. Drew's success rate in

Ad copy and the advertisement industry in general is one of the biggest scams in modern society.

The gross dude from Dune comes to mind. (edit: Baron Vladimir Harkonnen, forgot my Dune)

he just typoed "so many"

Excuse me but the X-Men weren't piloting it — it was RICHARD REEDS the entire time! Maybe you should try paying attention?

Bill Murray will do this shit but refuses to do Ghostbusters?

No, but occasionally something political will slip in, like Stan Smith forcing himself to live on minimum wage to win a bet with Hayley (and then failing incredibly more spectacularly than he should have because he's Stan Smith).

South Park does it a lot. Daily Show does, too, despite its left-leaning bias. (They are especially vicious with Occupy Wall Street kooks, probably the closest thing you can get to Goode family-style liberalism in the real world.) Colbert does so as well.

It's not a comedy about a left-leaning family. It's a show whose entire point is to be critical of the left, and as such, it's going to be subject to the same response as any serious critique. In this case, the people put on screen were strawmen, but they were presented as typical of any staunch Democrat. There was no

I'm always surprised at the lack of Homestuck mentions from the AV Club, but then I remember that Homestuck fandom has a strange amplification quality to it that exaggerates the actual popularity of the comic.

Obi-Wan is a notable exception to this, and Palpatine came straight from the prequels. The things you listed here are ideals you've foisted upon the characters aren't present in the movie. People come up with "stoic" fro Qui-Gon, but the review actually spends 5 minutes or so demonstrating through clips that Qui-Gon

That's the kind of short-sighted critique that sure sounds catchy but doesn't stand up to any kind of logic. Why would that measure make any sense? How many countless hours and pages have been spent analyzing the very best stories told (Shakespeare, etc.)? Deconstructing a movie can easily take a third of a semester

A paragraph in and he's already mocking people having fun as a warm-up for a comedy show. And just like that, I'm outta there. Skimming it makes me realize he didn't really pay any attention to the core of the show, or even listen to the thesis statement Stewart made at the end. He's just complaining about his pet

Because American conservatism at its core is pretty much either fundamentalist or inhumane. Those things don't survive their encounters with satire, it's like matter and anti-matter.

ManBearPig came out from the LAND OF IMAGINATION where all fictional things live.

If Jon Stewart and his writing staff knew how to fix it, they'd run for office. They're comedians, so they're really good at ferreting out bullshit, and sifting through hours of tape to find people contradicting themselves. But making public policy is its own, completely separate skill, and it's something they just

It's sad that now that our journalists are the Carsons of today; they're the ones that have nothing to gain by speaking out.