
Adaptation had a great trailer.


Strange because the episode is around on the internet!

So er..is episode 6 not getting reviewed? This is shaping up as one of the more interesting series of late.

This episode was pretty spot on in all respects, apart from the return of ghost Coop..who I thought had a perfect moment to end on last time we saw him.

Yes, this. I just waffled something similar to the effect.

Stannis's brief monologue to his daughter made this episode for me..it was very touching and beautifully played out. As cathartic as the action can be..the show has always been at its best in moments like this. Some of the 'fights' lately haven't had much emotional resonance behind them and merely become background

Trailer makes it look pretty bad but after watching a clip..the writing seems sharp enough. I'm optimistic it will be thoroughly average.

Anyone notice this episode had quite alot of suicide jokes? Homer in a noose..homer trying to put his head into a propeller..Bart trying to slingshot himself in the mouth. All in rapid succession!

First Cube is full of funny one liners (mostly unintentional), mainly from Quentin. 'You don't want the boot!' Someone shut that ret*rd up!' 'You're telling me telethon boy is a genius?' ' Why didn't you just lie down and die!'.

Very good..charming album. Flows well..enough ideas and moments to keep things interesting. B+ sorta deal for me.

My top 5


The Strokes live performance of Take it or leave it (particularly the Letterman one)..is so full of energy I almost feel like replacing it with the album track.

Watching this episode reminded me just what a trite character Homer has evolved into. Just a walking talking catchphrase machine. (Much like the brilliant Don Hertzfeldt couch gag implied) Vacuous, loud and obnoxiously unfunny for the most part. The same rhythm to all his jokes. How sad to see a character that was

Let us hope and pray David Webb Peoples is involved in the screenplay..never mind the Director (who is a pretty good choice).

Biggest snub for me was Fincher not getting a Director nod for Gone Girl..which, is more or less flawless in construction. (the editing was great too)

Wasn't this just a poor mans 'HOMR' with emphasis on the bond with Bart rather than Lisa?

Easily the best horror comedy in a long while. Puts stuff like 'You're Next' to shame. Hopefully this gets it due soon.

James Corden must have the best agent on the planet to get a shot at this gig. First time I heard the news, I could of sworn it was some Onion article.