
It's weird — I'm not the shipping type, and I didn't see anything b/w Sherlock and Fiona until it was stated plainly. I am now firmly entrenched.

A woman's right to choose means that she can have an abortion regardless of the reason, and regardless of whether or not others approve of it. I'm not trying to attack you, but your post implies that women need a 'good enough' reason to have an abortion.

Why isn't there more discussion over the completely insane response Carol gave to the confused kid? She's my favourite character, but geez Carol, if he can't differentiate between the dead and the living, saying "the only thing that saves you is killing" might not be the way to go.

"I'm still recovering from the emotional trauma of shooting you, so… can I get an extension on this paper?"

"I was half-right when I said one of the 5 would be the shooter."

Re: Asher

There's so much happening in the episode it's weird that this is what stuck out to me, but:

So the Earners are basically a more advanced Grady Hospital group? That was compelling back in S5 but I feel like we've been there, done that.

If they're trying to emulate the Witness relationship, why not just get the Witnesses together… sigh.

Oddly enough, their heated exchange was the most interested I'd been in Scandal in a while.

Weird, I thought Tom was breathing/moaning when Jake checked on him? It was unclear.

I actually commented to my friend that there was more chemistry in that scene with Sophie than in all his interactions with Zoe. It's kind of frustrating knowing that the writers have the ability to write more compelling scenes in their grasp and waste it on throwaway convos like that one.

Funny you mention that — I find myself obsessively taking mental notes on Shondaland guest stars just for the mildly satisfying a-ha when I next see them elsewhere.

I firmly believe that Noah doesn't see Allison as an actual person, but a mishmash of caricatures: the seductress, the grieving mother, etc. When she reacts to him in a way he did not expect according to his perception of her he freaks and forcibly bends her to his will. It's insane — it's like he's so fed up with not

I think it's a testament to the actors that the scene is so ambiguous. I saw it as rape, and a friend saw it as rough and unexpected sex. We'll have to see how Allison interprets it in the following episodes to place a label on it, I guess.

Thank you for mentioning the wig — it was especially dramatic tonight. :s

You're missing the point — there are as many arguments FOR as there are AGAINST. And I never said she'd get off scotch-free…

It's such a Shonda thing to do — the characters routinely use their horrible experiences to justify their horrible behaviour (case in point: Scandal). I can bear with HGTAWM because it has a lot of other redeeming qualities. Scandal? Not so much.

For one, he would lose the power to prevent her from her endeavours, which is beneficial since he flip flops between helping her and threatening to use his power to bury her. Another reason might be that she could gain support from anti-Fitz politicians, which there seem to be a lot of recently. So on and so forth.

Knowing what we now know about Bonnie, I'm kind of horrified at the way Annalise was treating her this season, calling her stupid and decrying her emotional dependence on Annalise when she knew what was up the whole time.