
Oh, I like this theory more than my own (Wes is a product of Annalise's rape by her uncle).

Great observations!
However, I disagree with your thought that Michaela's comment was the show's way of shooting it down. Maybe it was the show's way of pulling the wool over our eyes, making the reveal a little less obvious than we would have thought.

This part is a stretch to me, but I know plenty of people who were born here and raised back in their home countries. American citizen living in Haiti? Possible.

See my response to spike is dead, pls! I'm thinking his mom is American too.

"KW's lack of versatility as an actor when compared to Viola Davis"

Your first sentence made sense but you lost me with the rest. What does a People's Choice Award have to do with suitability for President?

I'm calling it — we know Annalise is a rape victim (her uncle, who was burnt alive by her mom). It's likely that Wes was the product of the rape and she gave him up for adoption. Eve says Annalise is a good person for taking in the reminder of a horrible crime.

I don't think the poster meant that impeaching Fitz automatically makes Mellie president, but that impeaching him is one stop on her trip to the White House.

About a week behind, but you might want to google 'victim blaming' and 'post-trauma symptoms' in response to your last paragraph there.

I'm fine with Maggie (though this season they're making her really neurotic for some reason, whereas last season she was simply quirky), but Amelia is driving me nuts.

Forgive me if this has been discussed above (I haven't seen this week's episode yet), but I have a comment about last week's episode and the overall storyline: was it right of Regina to label it rape? I feel like that kind of victimized Bay (although the event itself was troubling and horrible), because she hadn't

You have an astounding memory, my apologies. :)

It wasn't running as much as it was limping very quickly. And use tools? What show were you watching?

Hey, I won't say no to more Michael Ealy. And if they did away with Minka Kelly altogether I'd call it a good episode.

She has like two expressions— mildly amused and mildly somber. Oh wait, three— her "this is a crime scene so I should look around interested" face.

Has everyone forgotten that face mask technology from like two episodes ago? Eyewitnesses should be a thing of the past in this universe!

YES. It could even tie in somewhat to where Elementary is going right now, with Bell being offered a position in an intelligence capacity. CBS, make this happen!!

"I seriously want to make a show that’s just Alyson Hannigan, Claire
Danes, Mae Whitman, and Michael Sheen crying at each other in an attempt
to get the audience to break."

How could you forget: "Fabiana!"

Maybe I wasn't paying enough attention last season, but does Ryan have an addiction to pills, or did he stop taking them for an anxiety disorder and that's why he's all out of whack?