
Here's as good a time as as any to interject that I absolutely loved Han with the bowcaster. Thats the kind of shit my six your old mind would've wanted to see, and I cackled with a distinctly Star Wars brand of glee that wasn't present in a lot of the movie when he used it.

Yeah that really bothered me too. I was into it when he first threw his lightsaber hissy fit. He seemed so powerful (stopping the blaster bolt in mid air, reading peoples minds) and I liked that he was genuinely unhinged. Then he took his helmet off and started dithering and whining. I'm all for a complex villain, but

Jaku as a whole was a highlight for me. The day to day stuff was fantastic, and everything with Fin and Rey meeting and their escape was my favorite action sequence. That great lived in aspect was sorely missing from the rest of the film I thought.

Yep, the fact that this sets up some strong sequels is the biggest thing keeping my spirits up. Especially now that Rian Johnson will be in the driver seat, I think we'll be in for something great.

I know they needed a big set piece for the end, but I think the movie would've really benefited from a lower stakes ending. The Starkiller Base was already such an eye roll to me, and blowing it up so easily made it even worse. Since they were already very committed to this being just the first third of a story, it

He started out as such a great character, and Oscar Isaac is a fantastic actor, I really wish they'd kept him around instead of sidelining him.

That shit drove me nuts. I can't believe she actually turned those shields off, would've been so much cooler if she just died for the cause, or activated some kind of security measure…basically anything.

I definitely feel good about the sequels. All the things I didn't like about TFA were pretty self contained, and I really dig the characters it introduced, and I think they're trajectory going forward is exciting.

I actually bought his personality just fine. Even if they're raised into being stormtroopers from birth, they're still people who are going to socialize with each other, shoot the shit about their jobs, probably be desperate to meet women. They're just also brainwashed to be fully committed to the cause they're

The problem for me is that I'm all for capturing the tone of the OT (a rip roaring adventure full of aliens, strange planets, etc) but I'm not interested in a beat for beat redux of A New Hope's plot. There were plenty of sequences and characters I really liked in the film that captured that breathless, Star Wars

Yeah, this is actually a great PR move. It mollifies the fans and gives us hope that there will be some good stuff in here, thereby getting more asses in the theater for Paramount. The big tent poll audience that the studio is chasing doesn't give a shit about what Simon Pegg has to say about a trailer, so that

One of the things I like about The Force Awakens is that it sets things up really well for Rian Johnson to make something great with VIII. I really enjoyed Rey and Fin, so the core cast has me excited to move forward. I wasn't a big fan of any of the movies villians, but I think they're all set up to become much more

I don't think anybody's hating to it be "cool". I didn't hate it, either. I'm just disappointed that instead of creating something new and exciting, Abrams and co. chose to retcon the status quo to where it was in A New Hope, and then slavishly follow the plot of that movie.

Oh, and another thing that really bothered me was how tension free the Resistance saving Han and co. from the old alien's bar world. They're all captured for maybe 5 seconds and then Han says "the Resistance is here!" and they fly in. There's no dramatic moment where you realize they're coming, they don't have an

There was just zero tension in the assault on Death Star 3. C-3PO says "there's only ten minutes left!" some people die and then Oscar Isaac (who we have no where near the emotional connection to the main pilots in A New Hope or Jedi, although I did like his character) flies in and blows it up all neat and tidy.

That was probably my least favorite part. Where's the New Republic to begin with? How did a new empire get so strong that they need to make a new Rebel Alliance? Nobody was really that fond of the Empire in the first place, people were excited to see it crippled.

I dunno if anyone's even going to read the comments this deep, but BIG SPOILERS, SERIOUSLY DON'T KEEP READING IF YOU HAVEN'T SEEN IT AND WANT TO GO IN TOTALLY FRESH
I thought this was decent but fairly disappointing. I really didn't like how closely it cloned the plot of the original Star Wars. A key piece of intel is

I've actually never seen Cronenberg's adaptation, I really need to get around to it.

Such an underrated movie! It definitely wasn't without its problems, but I thought it was a really good take on very well trod territory. I loved the way it set a very New York story mostly in places like Staten Island and residential parts of Queens with the skyline looming behind everything.

I just started re-reading J.G. Ballard's Crash, and I got mad just remembering that that movie exists.