
I was really not a fan either, my girlfriend and I were both disappointed by the tonal whiplash and cartoonish characterization (and I loved Snowpiercer, I can be fine with cartoonish characters.) It felt too barbed to be a kids movie, and had one foot planted just firmly enough in reality to make the over-the-top…

I was blown away to find out this is Bruce Langley's first major roll, he's really fantastic in it. The cast is so chock full of ringers from the Fuller-verse or other TV shows I love that I just assumed he had a deep resume. He really nails making his character fun to hate.

3 is fantastic, possibly the equal of the first one. Temple of Doom is extremely problematic with its painful racism and colonialism, but I think it has its merits too. It certainly scared the living crap out of me as a kid!

Same here, I couldn't have been any more than 9 when my parents took this home from Blockbuster and it blew my little mind. I watched it at least three times while we had the VHS rented.

Eh, the Denise scene felt a little uncomfortable to me too, namely with Cole using Denise's deadname over and over and framing the whole thing as his doing that Denise was accepted (ie, framing Denise's success as the result of him being a cis ally.)

Maybe an article about sexual assault isn't the best place to make a joke involving your limited understanding of the spectrum of sexuality you fucking twat?

As a kid the really intense heart-removing scenes made me horrified, as an adult the really intense racism does.

I used to live on Allston St right up the road! Commuting on the green line was brutal

I just wanna say this is super awesome, and I'm glad you enjoyed your run so much! This warmed my heart after being emotionally gutted by this episode

I used to live in Davis Square and it made the shows universe feel even more queasily real when she mentioned those T stops.

Especially the way he smugly described walking home by the river as "pretty, and private." It had the exact same satisfaction at his own perceived cleverness as every "just to play devils advocate" guy.

Hahahaha, this Breitbart fuckface uses "#loser" as an insult. It would almost be worth getting mad at him (and yes, obviously its a him) if that didn't so perfectly capture how pathetic he and his ilk are.

That's one of the things I love so much about Del Toro's Hellboy movies, especially Hellboy 2. They're full of overt comedy and goofy one-liners, but he takes the movies seriously and the whole thing coalesces really well.

I'm guessing you've never had a bowl of Pho when you're hungover? That'll turn your right around on not having soup, its a miracle worker.

"Lovers Walk" is such an incredible episode, I love how unhinged he is, it makes him feel genuinely scary again will still fleshing out his character more for his transition from a pure villain. Really makes up for a whole season without him in one episode.

I love that he both did that and chose Spike as the best big bad, with great reasoning for both.

Infinite Jest immediately comes to mind for this. Some of the things it predicted:

Last time I saw The Mountain Goats he apologized for not being able to stay afterwards and meet fans because he was flying home to be with his kid for his day off. To make up for it, he played a song he wrote with his son called "Good Morning to All Vultures" and it was sublime.

The fact that this band was publicly super transphobic and has never apologized isn't really sending the right message either…

Wait what Christian moralizing is there in a Wrinkle in Time? I was raised Christian enough that I'd think I would have picked up on that, and I noticed nothing.