Its physically impossible to feel bad in Rittenhouse Square on a sunny day. Louie would probably feel confident and self loving (or self conscious of all the better dressed, more attractive, rich people around him.)
Its physically impossible to feel bad in Rittenhouse Square on a sunny day. Louie would probably feel confident and self loving (or self conscious of all the better dressed, more attractive, rich people around him.)
Holy shit that moment was riotous. Especially when it doesn't say the N word again when he pushes it.
I couldn't agree more. My girlfriend's mom is one of those people who will talk endlessly about how much better British TV is than American TV. She likes a lot of great TV from both sides of the Atlantic (she loves Deadwood for example) but I can't understand how she and others instantly think a ridiculous show like…
Excuse sir, I think you meat to say House of Pies. Or perhaps you meant the improv special Showtime aired, House of Pies Pive?
Weird Al was my first concert ever, and to this day one of the very best I've ever seen. The guy is showman second to none.
Liking something more than Pitchfork is like…eating more meat than a vegan?
The credits in Its Always Sunny (or any location shot or mention of Wawa) makes me super homesick, and swell up with pride that my city is the home of the five most depraved fictional characters out there.
A guy I went to high school with writes for Info Wars and is constantly posting nut job stuff to Facebook about it. I had no idea it was an actual website big enough to warrant a gimmick account on here until now (I always assumed glorified blog.) I guess I'm one of the sheeple.
I just finished watching this, and while I enjoyed a good chunk of it, every time the cheesy piano music kicked in, coupled with the creepy small town vibe and the deer coming back to life, I wished I was watching a new season Les Revenants and listening to a new Mogwai soundtrack so bad.
The eeriness of the Dark City (and the fact that its visual language is so strong you hardly need the dialogue) would totally match up with Godspeed, I'm gonna try that sometime.
Yeah that's kind of what I was trying to get across in my original post. His ridiculous acting is part of the draw of the movie for me every time I watch it.
I'll definitely be back when the write ups wrap in a couple weeks. And don't worry about seeming to rule with an iron fist! I'd much rather wait a while to talk about the season's endgame than spoil something for someone who is really enjoying the season.
Man I love this movie, but Kiefer Sutherland is hilariously bad in it. His whole accent in the movie is accenting every other syllable of the word to say "I AM a MAD sci-EN-ti-IST." It adds a nice layer of comic relief to all the creepiness though.
And if I had some spare change, every time a perfect stranger asked me for some spare change…..
Make Believe came out when I was in Junior High. I'm happy to disprove your theory.
Wow, they did an absolutely incredible job. The blood in that movie especially is sickeningly realistic.
Now I'm really curious, what special effects are in that movie?
I completely agree, which is why I was really surprised that so many people complained about not really seeing Godzilla for an extended period of time until the final of the new Godzilla. I thought that was brilliant. It made him seem much more imposing, and increased the tension and my excitement. All positive…
Yes, but, as someone pointed out upthread, watch the new Godzilla movie or Pacific Rim to see that complete CGI can look every bit as incredible as some of the best practical effects. As so many people have pointed out, its completely an issue of the director who uses it. Of course Michael Bay and modern day Lucas are…
Tons of Coen Brother's style editing too. Stuff like, say, a smash cut of a safe door shutting to a house door opening always reminding me of them.