
I loved "Fly" from my first viewing, but it wasn't until a recent rewatch that I realised the hunt for the fly - Walt's obsession with it, his comment that "This
fly is a major problem for us: It will ruin our batch, and we need
to destroy it and every trace of it so we can cook. Failing that, we’re
dead. There’s no

@avclub-35a00215eb3d273078fbdeeadb3dfe10:disqus - serious on "Lemon of Troy"? That's my least favourite golden era episode - the jokes rarely land, and its unabashed small-town sentimentality feels very out of place compared to the show's usual sharp satirical edge.

@disqus_wyVmsQ4Ts7:disqus - The actual quote from the writer of "Pacific Rim," when pitching it:

I find the whole sequence where Homer's brain ends up in a robot remarkably frightening, for reasons I can't really explain. The whole sequence is so dark and nightmarish compared to the normal Simpsons episode, and the actual premise (Homer falls asleep in a graveyard, is abducted and murdered) is pretty grim as well.

Well said; this should have replaced the review (well, the first half). I bought the box set of this series a while back and watching "Co-Pilot" made me put it away for weeks.

I actually found this on Google over a year ago (though not necessarily for the latest season). I guess it just took the AV Club 8 years to find out about it?

This didn't bother me at all - perhaps because I've had rats/mice in the walls recently, and our dog didn't even act like she noticed the noises.

Superbad? I haven't met anyone who doesn't enjoy it..

A "C" is actually the best rating I've seen for this movie so far.

This was my experience too. I thought it was incredibly funny in the cinema, then was surprised at how not-funny it was on DVD. It really relied heavily on a big audience and shock factor to work.

@avclub-d71760750778a95386b703f5c9e474f0:disqus : My advice for watching The Wire has always been to push your way through the first five eps (with subtitles if necessary) and it should click an episode or two after that. If you finish Season One and you still aren't a fan, it's probably not your thing.

@avclub-4095a01e6ce9fd93ba5f955048310e2b:disqus : The Godard quote is "Film is truth 24 times a second,
and every cut is a lie"

Princess Bride aside, this is my second-longest loved film. I can still vividly remember seeing it for the first time, and caught in the cinema 2 more times (plus bought pretty much every Jurassic Park-related piece of merchandise you could think of). Was impressed by how well the nostalgia held up in the 3D

I'm only halfway into season three of this show, but I certainly wouldn't characterise Danny as a "decent" cop by any stretch. Her actions were racist and deserved punishment, even if they're eclipsed by the far worse actions of the Strike Team etc

Yeah, I'm in the same boat as Juan_Carlo; while I roughly knew that Hamlet was a tragedy when I read it, I certainly wasn't aware of the details of the ending - but I imagine that's pretty difficult if you make the choice to pick it up rather than get it thrust upon you at high school.

Scream 3 was a lot of things, but "pretty okay" was not one of them.

It was also used in The Simpsons before this episode - in "Bart Gets An Elephant," which Rabin would have only seen two episodes before, even!

It has been moving relatively fast, but all of the shifts seem justified - if my wife's distrust in me caused me to suffer a brutal beating, I could imagine being a little put-out, and when Elizabeth thinks they're really trying to make things work and Phillip hooks up with an ex-lover (and lies to her about it)…it's

The Playmate scene does serve a purpose, and I wouldn't mind that being added to the original cut…provided you edit it down a little. It suffers from the bloat endemic to the rest of the Redux cut

I can't stand the Redux version - it's overlong and just tonally off - but the original cut is one of my favourite films of all time. The original just has the perfect descent into madness feel, whereas Redux just kinda stands around on the shoreline when it should be continuing the relentless path to the river's end.