
As a cinematic experience Grindhouse was amazing. Death Proof by itself, not so much

As an Australian, Tarantino's fake Aussie accent was actually one of the most convincing I've heard (given that he was supposed to be a very ocker Aussie).

Man, the middle class is still alive and well in Australia, I didn't realise it was such an endangered species over in the US.

I can't think of a single episode of Community that has done anything approaching a couple characters "realising they're a couple." Britta/Jeff was entirely off-screen for like a season! They have executed the Britta/Troy stuff pretty clumsily, but that's as much because it was set-up clumsily as them flubbing the

His performance in Apocalypse Now might have been phoned-in, but I think it's totally necessary to the success of the film. The finale needs to be dreamlike and surreal, and a more robust performance would have robbed the film of that atmosphere it so carefully constructed (well, in the original cut - Redux never

I have a 3ish minute version of "Bug Powder Dust" on my computer somewhere, I don't recall it being difficult to find? Or is there an even shorter version than that?

Or Mark Rosewater

True story: There are exactly two songs of Coldplay's I genuinely like rather than tolerate, and it's those two. Fortunately they still seem to play both of them live.

My favourite time hearing Loveless was the first time, actually. It helped that I'd been advised to turn it up "really fucking loud."

I thought something similar, but actually thought there was a slim possibility they were trying to awkwardly reveal that she's now possessed by the devil (there isn't enough in the text to really support this, but it would have been a neat twist).

Counterpoint: $#!& my Dad Says

I'm impressed that Nabin managed to work in Manic Pixie Dream Girl when reviewing a film not containing any character fitting that description, though he omitted to mention that he originated the phrase - poor form!

Corporeal punishment? That kinda sounds like George Bush spanking Bart is something existential.

But she's sleeping with two of the protagonists! On opposite sides of the law! What more character development do you want?

"the plotline gives Matthew Perry the chance to play the straight man, and that’s something he does with style.
Mr. K and Ryan make a good, even great, comedic pairing."

I'm pretty sure the horror remakes actually do quite well at the box office, profit-wise, which is why they keep making them.

And Hank (Dean Norris) was in the SWAT team in Gremlins 2! (Plus Clay Davis as a fireman)

And Hank (Dean Norris) was in the SWAT team in Gremlins 2! (Plus Clay Davis as a fireman)