
Weird; subtract Alfred Hitchcock Presents and add The Shield and this is my Tv-to-watch list exactly.

"Almost every show"

Well they described her as "her typical unexpectedly vulgar self" which is even worse, because they're saying, essentially, that she's unexpectedly vulgar … just like always!

@avclub-445c00b7f37f817d4b2c309208ad00b2:disqus " I just think he poses an interesting question - the fact that I totally
disagree with his perspective doesn't negate my interest in the film as
a thought experiment." Yes! I don't understand the frustration that people seem to have with this film, since you're allowed

@avclub-8e3d05b3a02cebcb45d304a5224a6113:disqus Also because Herzog has the greatest voice.

The only "The Castle" I've ever heard of is the Australian comedy starring Michael Caton, Eric Bana et al … I really wish there was a Haneke adaptation of that film.

Yeah, while I've only been catching up on these periodically, they've been consistently well-written, entertaining and insightful; it'll be a shame if this is the last one.

"How much liberty should biographers take with their subjects’ lives?""No."

I disliked Kick-Ass a whole lot (to the point that I've expunged it from my DVD collection), but I admit that the Cage/Moretz bits were thoroughly enjoyable.

"For me, Max on Happy Endings wasn't refreshing because of his
defeat of stereotypes, but because the fact that he was a man sexually
interested in other men and pursued them without needless complications.
Essentially, it was nice that on top of breaking the mold of
stereotypes, he was a single man who possessed a

Perhaps, in the final season, Walt will truly walk along the razor's edge.

Agreeing with @avclub-782066c88e9c574d6085f3ddfc7032e4:disqus here. Season 5 is the weakest season and does reveal many of the show's major flaws, but it's also got some fantastic moments and a spectacular, genuinely moving finale. I've read elsewhere that the main thrust of the newspaper plotline (which was certainly

This isn't that uncommon, though, as much as I like it. The Sopranos certainly had more than it's fair share of unanswered mysteries when it ended, and plenty of shows haven't answered mysteries and gotten flak for them (Lost being the Ur-example). Breaking Bad does it well, but so do plenty of other shows.

Was the hipster enough what? FINISH THE QUESTION

It's actually not very hard at all to get Netflix in Australia.

@avclub-ca394dfe4e368a89f4f459f1c91be9d0:disqus : yeah, they actually explain that that's where they got "ahoy hoy" from in the commentary for "Homer the Smithers."

Me too! Weirdly I can remember watching a tonne of Simpsons footage in slow motion, even the bits that didn't really reward frame-by-frame viewing just because I liked them so much (the Terminator 2 spoof in "Homer Loves Flanders" or Homer hitting the dean with his car)

Flume is massive over here. I teach at an all-girls' secondary school, and the second most common answer for favourite band (after One Direction) is Flume. Not sure how much commercial radio airplay he gets, but he's doing very well for a young guy with a laptop.

@Antoniooo:disqus Last I heard that account was banned. Wouldn't surprise me if the same author is behind this one