
I'll teach you to rock!

You must be a harvard man — you misspelled "glorious."

Maybe it's just me, but part of me was hoping for a surprise ending like the MASH episode "Abyssinia, Henry":

Whoops, I guess I should have refreshed the page before commenting. Mike Joffe, you're my kind of guy. You too, M@M@M@.

What, no love for Janice, the blonde in Electric Mayhem? "So I said, 'Listen, I don't take my clothes of for you or anyone, even if it IS "artistic."'"

Was she … roomy?

@Archmage (nice avatar, by the way)-

I don't think that it necessarily makes Han a bastard — and I definitely don't think it makes Han a murderer (which is the excuse that I've seen GL give for having Han shoot second). Greedo had just announced his intention to kill Han. Han had every right (legally and morally) to shoot Greedo first.

I can't believe that nobody has mentioned Kelly Kapoor. The woman who plays her is a talented comedy writer, but her character is comedy death. If anybody can name three funny things that she has ever said or done, I will give that person 1,000 of my internet points.

Pants fall down every time I bend over

Sorry, IN51P1D, but we weren't paying attention when we watched it. We all have AD-ADD.

How come it takes three Polacks to rent Nic Cage movies from Netflix?

No, read everything as Honorable Businessman from Hong Kong.


@Language Arts Major-

Hey … who needs a hug?

And the answer is … Uncle Jack.

Then I suggest that urgh correct his original title to "Now I have a MACHINE gun. Ho ho ho."

Here's a clip of Sweet Daddy D, from Dunham's own YouTube page:

Tudyk's arms
"Just as suddenly—for me, anyway—we realize that Tudyk has got some gunboats for arms…."