Liberal College Freshman

Might as well call it Star Wars: Episode VII, only with the premise changed up a bit and Sandra replacing Samuel as the angry black man.

It was pretty daring to use "Water Walk" for the Three Stooges trailer, I'll give you that.

Nope, it's "Bubblebutt."

Some tracks are certainly better than others. It immediately became clear to me when I was blaring one of their songs in the car and my fiancee said it sounded like KISS. I tried to argue, but I knew deep down inside she was right. Still, an interesting little curio.

"silly snarkiness and hollow outrage"

I think we could all benefit from a 'lil self-love.

I've always justified the song in my head by fooling myself into thinking he's talking about loving yourself.

Liked for having done the exact thing in my head as soon as I read "Seven Mary Three."

Except for Tony Sheridan in the early days, Billy Preston is the only person to have had shared credit on a few Beatles tunes. Not only that, but he also was dubbed "the Fifth Beatle" by John himself. Yow's question/confusion isn't that odd. He basically WAS a Beatle.

To this day I still think about that whenever "For What It's Worth" comes on the radio, and I have never even seen that movie.

Yeesh. Someone's in love with AdBlock. Stealing might be a stretch, but I do know members of the AV Club staff have voiced their dissatisfaction with readers using the extension.

My fiancee and I agreed to have that played at our wedding. She thinks I'm kidding.

Openly admitting to the site that you're stealing from them is in bad form, bro. Why not just use the mobile version of the site on your desktop if the ads are bogging you down?

Are you talking about Night Court?

Decisions and Boners: I would watch that show!

Back when I worked retail there were rumors going around that a couple that also worked there engaged in that sort of thing. I'm not sure if she was Christian, but apparently it was going to continue until they were married. I want to say he actually confirmed this and was completely fine with it, but my memory is

Perfect user name/comment/thread synergy.

Which, I mean, c'mon. That sounds pretty fun.


I would love to read a book about the Superman 64 debacle.