Liberal College Freshman

Uh-Oh! Looks like Gramma and her friends got into the fake mustaches again!

"Do you think they would just make music for fun, if no $ was involved?"

Any man who would necessitate a parent getting between a kid and his Revenge of the Nerds III is a monster indeed.

Jerry Springer had Il Duce. I remember seeing that as it aired (I think?) when I was a young lad and being really creeped out over the fact he was hit by a train. Had I known more details…

Remember when he gave Dana Carvey a boner on TV???

South Park made possibly the greatest wartime cartoon of all.

It was probably Maniac, only famous for its main theme being scrapped and rewritten for a movie about some girl in a factory or something.

We watched Office Space in high school. For no reason other than my teacher (younger than I am now at the time!) just finding it hilarious. The principal had no qualms about it, but made him write a permission slip for the parents stating that the film was a realistic look at a possible outcome for students not

*stomps feet*

This took all day to write, didn't it?

I'm sitting here at my desk, working through the song and I realize I know all the words.


That was my diary :(

They didn't wash their clothes to really rub it in the faces of the poor.

I buy ironic clothes and most of my nice work clothes from thrift stores.

As a kid, I was oddly fascinated by the mixing on the Sandler albums.

One time on a cross-country trip with the fiancee to visit her family in WI, we stopped over at the Exclusive Company in West Bend and got some vinyl grab bags for two bucks a piece (surprisingly, they had a lot of good stuff in them- good condition, too boot). Anyway, one of the records I ended up with was that of

RIP Tigercat919
Whenever they were born - right after this post

Fucking condoms. How do they work??

I feel like Cartman. It's so funny I just can't laugh.