Marc Bird

They misused O'Laughlin….I just feel they should have made the final season a 15 episode season like with season 3 and took some of the stuff from season 6 and put it in. Dragging out the 'who killed spoiler' storyline. FX wanted more money, like HBO did with the Sopranos by asking for more seasons.

I agree, as I did not see it in real-time, I saw the whole series after 2007….but there are others who hate it.

Ya know I am going to mourn after Breaking Bad ends, but if the finale is perfect then it will help the mourning go faster. Cause I agree with Gilligan that they should go out on top! Not drag out more seasons, and make us hate the shows, for example:

I met RJ at a autograph signing here in San Diego and he told me he was starting to get tired of the Breakfast jokes. Poor guy. And then there is Aaron Paul and the bitch thing.

Here we go!

Welp, I just finished this season and I wanted to say thanks to everyone who criticized it. I had lowered my expectations so far that I was surprised at how good it was after seeing the last episode. Sure it was not perfect but it was fuckin entertaining and thought provoking, and isn't that why we stare at screens

There is such a seismic change from the 'Pilot' to 'Gliding Over All'. I love it.

I will be glad when Comic Con leaves my city.

The final scene of Breaking Bad-whatever it is-will be the best moment of tv this year and possibly one of the greatest final scenes. Gilligan says it satisfies him and he has talked about how much he wanted to appease the fans, so I know it will be something I will never forget.

1. The re-emergence of Elizabeth 'Betty' Francis'

Also: lack of 'the hobbit' fanfare,what gives?

Vince Gilligan and Aaron Paul are having autograph signings out of comic con so I do not really care about it….and the trailer will be leaked to youtube sometime on Sunday.  And yeah comic con is staying with the whale's vagina til 2016.

honey boo-boo, sharknado, bieber vandalizing, man when people look at this current pop culture in history books 20 years from now, what are people going to think? Dammit

Saw a advanced screening, and I can say this is the best horror film I have seen in years. Sure it is a familiar setting but it feels refreshed. No cam footage, meta horror crap, zombie bullshit, just good old 'jump out of your seat' scares. Add a great story and great actors and you got yourself  a classic. Looks

Wow, not one mention of Mud!

What happens after Vic's 3 years are up? What is Vic up to? he is seen heading into the unknown with his gun

Ah, this is the fans faults for wanting more. The fans wanted more Arrested Development and their demands were met, however the season was garbage (unless you are one of the few who loved it, that is my opinion and quite a few others'). After season 3 of Community it was clear the show was going down the tank but yet

Describing the greatest shows in one word:

First time watcher here, but I read the comments here and Dutch cries cause of what the murderer said about him. The murderer got under his skin so he really feels down.

You just hate everything.